This week it was just Paul and Philippe; we discussed the final changes
for the upcoming RC2 and stable release, and marked some issues/PR as
release blockers.
Graham expects to release 5.40-RC2 before the week-end.
These are some answers to the Week 280, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on August 4, 2024, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.
Task 1: Twice Appearance
You are given a string, $str
, containing lowercase English letters only.
Write a script to print the first letter that appears twice.
Example 1
Input: $str = "acbddbca"
Output: "d"
Example 2
Input: $str = "abccd"
Output: "c"
Example 3
Input: $str = "abcdabbb"
Output: "a"
Twice Appearance in Raku
Following on from The bad days
We made the decision that our problems in Kubernetes were exactly the sort of thing that should not be distractions to the project. We had been trying to save costs when we choose Hetzner for hosting... especially as we did not know where our ElasticSearch cluster (needing 3x32Gig of ram) was going to live. The great news is last week ElasticSeach agreed to host this for us, which really is a game changer.
With this in mind, we reviewed hosting again... Digital Ocean (DO) provides a fully managed Kubernetes control plane, with high availability load balancer, Postgres Database integration and storage options e.g. we can focus on deploying to it and not managing it.
Hey All,
Yes, we're back we'd like to announce this year's LPW:
WHEN: TBC, most likely Saturday 26th October 2024
Please register and submit talks early - it gives us a better idea of numbers. The date is tentative, depending on the venue, but we'd like to aim for the 26th October 2024.
This will be the 20th anniversary of LPW (in terms of years, not number of events). We might try to do something special...
The venue search is currently in progress. The 2019 venue has turned into a boarding school so we can't use that any more due to safeguarding issues. We don't want to go back to the University of Westminster so we are searching for a venue.
In anticipation for the stable release, we:
- revived the “HTTPS out-of-the-box” project: the CPAN Security Group committed to help us select a workable solution, with a goal of implementing it in time for Perl 5.42
- discussed the minutiae of the next stable release
- decided to do it on 2024-05-24 (Friday)
These are some answers to the Week 279, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 28, 2024 at 23:59). This blog post offers some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.
Task 2: Split String
You are given a string, $str
Write a script to split the given string into two containing exactly same number of vowels and return true if you can otherwise false.
Example 1
Input: $str = "perl"
Ouput: false
Example 2
Input: $str = "book"
Ouput: true
Two possible strings "bo" and "ok" containing exactly one vowel each.
I just received an E-Mail purporting to be from the PAUSE Team, claiming a compromise of a server. It was written with some thought, referencing the account name of someone well known and trusted in our community. On closer inspection however, it was merely an attempt to phish PAUSE usernames and passwords via a supposed alternative login server.
I'm sure many of us are old enough and experienced enough to detect and ignore this type of attack. But in case you aren't (welcome!) or if you are feeling a bit out of practice, then please remember to only log in via the official PAUSE entry point.
The deadline for talk and paper submissions to the 2024 TPRC has been Officially extended through April 20th for both the regular Perl and Raku tracks; and also the Science Track.
Update for the Science Track submissions, we have a small, but solid set of submissions and are expecting a few more. The Science Perl Committee is committed to helping anyone submitting a serious entry to succeed. If you're hesitating at all because you're afraid of getting rejected, please be reassured we want as many people to be part of this inaugural Science Track, as possible.
Please note, acceptable topics DO include white papers discussing implementation details of the Perl or Raku interpreters, experimental language features, implementations, benchmarks, etc.
I personally and strongly encourage you to submit an abstract to the Science Track. And if you don't want to write a paper, I strongly encourage you to submit a regular conference talk.
Brett Estrade (OODLER)
The three of us met, and:
- merged the deëxperiment PR
- agreed we should additionally discuss if the now-stable features
, extra_paired_delimiters
) should be included in the :5.40
feature bundle
- reported feedback from PPC implementors, which can be summarized as “life
happened, will get back to work soon”
- continued to triage latest reported bugs and look for release
blockers (Currently we have 8 potential blockers, though 2 are easy
documentation fixes)
These are some answers to the Week 279, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 28, 2024, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.
Task 1: Sort Letters
You are given two arrays, @letters
and @weights
Write a script to sort the given array @letters
based on the @weights
Example 1
Input: @letters = ('R', 'E', 'P', 'L')
@weights = (3, 2, 1, 4)
Output: PERL
Example 2
Input: @letters = ('A', 'U', 'R', 'K')
@weights = (2, 4, 1, 3)
Output: RAKU
Example 3
- Maintainers and authors are found everywhere throughout our dependency trees. This includes the authors of the tooling others use for maintaining, building, testing, writing and running the infrastructure they depend on. Even maintainers depend on other maintainers.
- Maintainers’ mental health and well-being is also a dependency.
- So is their outlook on the sustainability of their projects, both in personal, technical, systemic and economic respects.
This means that personal, technical, systemic and economic well-being in the end are all actual and real dependencies* for the businesses that rely on these people and their projects.*
What can an ecosystem provide to make the lives of these maintainers easier in this regard?
These are some answers to the Week 278, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 21, 2024, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.
Task 2: Reverse Word
You are given a word, $word
and a character, $char
Write a script to replace the substring up to and including $char
with its characters sorted alphabetically. If the $char
doesn’t exist, then DON'T do anything.
Example 1
Input: $str = "challenge", $char = "e"
Ouput: "acehllnge"
Example 2
Input: $str = "programming", $char = "a"
Ouput: "agoprrmming"
Example 3
Talk submissions are still open, and we are seeking proposals on a wide variety of subjects. This includes language features, personal projects, applications like Koha, and anything that may be of general interest to Perl and Raku programmers.
To submit an abstract, please see the authoritative Science Perl CFP or for a standard talk visit the familiar Papercall site.
Please note it is our (the Science Perl Editorial Subcommittee) goal to be able to accept as many perl+science papers and posters as possible, as such our editorial process is designed to be very friendly.
Science Track Deadlines (initial submission is same date/time as the standard talk tracks):
- Abstract submission deadline: April 5th, 2024 (23:59:59 UTC)
- Abstract acceptance emails sent: April 15th, 2024
- Draft full paper due: May 15th, 2024
- Draft full paper feedback emails sent: May 31, 2024
- Final full paper due: June 7th, 2024
- Final papers approved: June 15th, 2024
Thank you and I am looking forward to some very good things to see in Vegas, baby!
Brett Estrade (OODLER)
What is it good for?
If you’ve never worked with MooX::Role::Parameterized or MooseX::Role::Parameterized, you might wonder what is a parameterized role at all?
Roles are used when you need to share behaviour among several classes that don’t have to be related by inheritance. Normally, a role just adds a bunch of methods to the class that consumes it (there’s more, you can for example specify which other methods the role expects to already exist).
A parameterized role makes it possible to provide parameters for the consumed role. This way, you can adjust the behaviour for each consuming class.
These are some answers to the Week 278, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.
Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 21, 2024, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.
Task 1: Sort String
You are given a shuffle string, $str
Write a script to return the sorted string.
A string is shuffled by appending word position to each word.
Example 1
Input: $str = "and2 Raku3 cousins5 Perl1 are4"
Output: "Perl and Raku are cousins"
Example 2
Input: $str = "guest6 Python1 most4 the3 popular5 is2 language7"
Output: "Python is the most popular guest language"
Example 3
Input: $str = "Challenge3 The1 Weekly2"
Output: "The Weekly Challenge"
Following on from day 1
Joel and I spent some more time working out disk provisioning and then decided to upgrade the nodes in the cluster... this is where the problems started...
I shutdown a node to resize it... and the site went down, no healthy backends was then displayed to all users by Fastly (our CDN) for any content that wasn't in their cache. This is not meant to happen!
We also couldn't connect to Argo (web UI for Kuberneties deployment and a view on the K8's API status) or even the kubectl command line tool.
Starting the node backup (after having upgraded) and all came back. We quickly realised that everything was using Round Robin DNS to all 3 node IP's. There was ` Traefik ` setup but it was tied to those IPs and something was not happy. We then looked at alternative tooling and thought it might be worth using rke2 instead of k3s as the underlying flavour of K8s as this would give us a little more flexibility.