PTS 2024 - day 1

I am always flattered to be invited to the Perl Toolchain Summit, and reinvigorated in working on MetaCPAN each time.

Currently I am focused on building on the work I and others did last year in setting up Kubernetes for more of MetaCPAN (and other projects) to host on.

Last week I organised the Road map which was the first thing we ran through this morning. I was very fortunate to spend the day with Joel and between us we managed to setup:

- Hetzner (hosting company) volumes auto provisioning in the k8s cluster
- Postgres cluster version (e.g. with replication between nodes)

I had a few discussions with other projects interested in hosting and this has helped us start work on what we need to be able to provision and how.. especially with attached storage which has been some what of a challenge but we are heading towards a solution.

This week in PSC (145) | 2024-05-25

This meeting was done in person at the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024.

  • Reviewed game plan for (hopefully) last development release, to be done tomorrow, as well as the stable v5.40 release.
  • Reviewed recent issues and PRs to possibly address before next releases.
  • Reviewed remaining release blockers for v5.40, and planned how to address them.
  • Discussed communication between PSC and P5P and how to improve it.

Perl Weekly Challenge 277: Strong Pair

These are some answers to the Week 277, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 14, 2024, known in France as Bastille Day, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 2: Strong Pair

You are given an array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to return the count of all strong pairs in the given array.

A pair of integers x and y is called strong pair if it satisfies: 0 < |x - y| < min(x, y).

Example 1

Input: @ints = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Ouput: 4

Strong Pairs: (2, 3), (3, 4), (3, 5), (4, 5)

Example 2

CFP: Science Track Papers Needed at The Perl & Raku Conference


  • Science Track at The Perl & Raku Conference
  • June 25 - 27, 2024 (talk dates)
  • Las Vegas, Nevada, USA

click here to submit your abstract

You may submit your Science Track abstracts here! Don't wait, do this today! Prior registration to the Perl Conference is not a condition for acceptance, however individuals with accepted papers and posters are expected to register for and attend the Conference in person*. You may register for the Perl & Raku Conference here. (Note: in the past, the Conference registration fee has been waived for speakers; it is expected that this will be the case again this year, but at this time there are no guarantees.)

  • let us know if this is impossible, exceptions may be considered in some extenuating circumstances


  • Abstract submission deadline: April 05, 2024 (23:59:59 UTC)
  • Full paper deadline: May 15th, 2024 (23:59:59 UTC)

What makes YAPC::Japan unique

I attended YAPC::Hiroshima 2024 in Japan.

A few people asked me about the distinctions between YAPC::Japan and other Perl events worldwide, prompting me to write below. Before delving into the specifics, I must preface that my experience is primarily rooted in YAPC::Hiroshima 2024, the only YAPC::Japan event I attended. It's important to say that comparing Perl events across different regions isn't about establishing superiority or inferiority; organizing conferences requires considerable resources and effort irrespective of location. Each conference has its unique approach and metrics for success. The observations I offer are purely subjective and reflect my personal views.


This week in PSC (143) | 2024-04-04

  • We’ll chase up current implementors of outstanding PPCs to see what progress is
  • Reviewed the new bugs since last review. One new potential blocker - 22121
  • Reviewed a first draft of a “Perl Roadmap” presentation that might be given at PTS

Perl Weekly Challenge 257: Smaller than Current

These are some answers to the Week 257, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on February 25, 2024 at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 1: Smaller than Current

You are given a array of integers, @ints.

Write a script to find out how many integers are smaller than current i.e. foreach ints[i], count ints[j] < ints[i] where i != j.

Example 1

(repost) TPRC 2024 Call For Papers is now open!

If you have been following along with the efforts to add a Science Track to the TPRC, now is the time to seriously consider submitting a peer reviewed paper. The TPRC Call for Papers has opened with information on submitting to any of the 3 tracks. Note that the science papers are submitted to the Perl Community's Science Perl website, which is linked in the TPRC's announcement.

Repost from,

You can submit your talk Ideas at Talk submission deadline is April 5th, Midnight UTC. Talks must be given live and in-person. If you are looking for any talk ideas, try out the conference wiki.

New this year, we are accepting submissions for a peer reviewed Science track. Those talks should be submitted at

Visit the TPRC 2024 website at Follow us on Twitter: @PerlConferences Like us on Facebook: The Perl Foundation (@tpf.perl) Subscribe to the mailing list:

Any questions about the Science Track should be directed to "science at" or visit us at #science on

Looking forward to seeing all the submissions!


Brett Estrade (OODLER)

Chairman, Science Perl Committee

Using peppers with Crypt::Passphrase


Crypt::Passphrase is a module for managing passwords. It allows you to separate policy and mechanism, meaning that the code that polices authorization doesn’t have to know anything about what algorithms are used behind the screen, and vice-versa; thus making for a cryptographically agile system.

It’s not only handling the technical details of password hashes for you but also it deals with a variety of schemes. It’s especially useful for transitioning between them.

A configuration might look like this (Koha):

This week in PSC (141) | 2024-03-21

This week, we:

  • Talked about some ideas for discussion at the upcoming PTS
  • Discussed the current blocked state of bleadperl following the 5.39.9 release and how to unblock it
  • Finished reviewing the release blocker bugs
  • Discussed how MetaCPAN should better handle perl releases and permissions

Perl Weekly Challenge 277: Count Common

These are some answers to the Week 277, Task 1, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 14, 2024, known in France as Bastille Day, at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 1: Count Common

You are given two arrays of strings, @words1 and @words2.

Write a script to return the count of words that appears in both arrays exactly once.

Example 1

Input: @words1 = ("Perl", "is", "my", "friend")
       @words2 = ("Perl", "and", "Raku", "are", "friend")
Output: 2

The words "Perl" and "friend" appear once in each array.

Example 2

YAPC::Hiroshimaの参加記録 | I attended YAPC::Hiroshima in Japan



  • 世界一成功しているYAPCであるYAPC::Japanの運営を見習うためにボランティアで参加させてもらった。一般参加者の切符を買いますと言ったのだが、主催のkobakenさんに固辞された。神のようなお方
  • YAPCという名前はやはり良い


  • 朝7:30に集合だった。早めの行動をしようと7:25に着いたらほとんどのスタッフがすでに到着していた。アメリカではありえない
  • メインは部屋の進行係。さらに登壇者向けの受付という重大な任務もまかされて光栄です


  • 運営の方がTPFへの寄付を繰り返し呼びかけてくれて、さらに受付でも寄付コーナーを設置してくれてお礼の申しようもない
  • もちろん、寄付をしてくださった方にも本当に感謝している


  • ボランティアをしていたのでほとんど聞いていない。あとで録画を見る
  • 広島のYAPCのキーノートを誰にしてもらうかという疑問に対して、とほほさんというパーフェクトな答えを出した運営チームは偉すぎる
  • 私がこのコミュニティに入る前から登壇していてまぶしい存在だったcharsbarさんとtakesakoさんのトークをまた見られてありがたかった。かるぱねるらさんが同じようなことを書いている。
  • ずっと前から有名人という点ではmalaさんのトークが聞けてよかった。タイムリーでYAPCにぴったりな内容。弾さんのトークは聞き逃した
  • もちろん新しい登壇者が半分以上で、それもいいこと
  • YAYAPCはYAPC以上に良かった。録画とSNS公開が禁止のトークは実に面白い
  • 私のトークは過去に20分でやったものを5分に圧縮した。ボーナススライドは時間が余れば見せようかと思っていたところまったく無理だった。内容は「日本発のPerlのスローガンを提案する」だった


  • 日本のYAPCが米国のYAPC(最近はTPRCという)より規模が大きいのは、人口が世界一の都市である東京で開催するからだというのがかつての通説だった。その後YAPC::Japanチームは東京から飛び出して他の都市でも世界一大きいなYAPCができるのだということを証明した
  • YAPC::Japanがなぜこれだけ人が集められるかというというのは別記事で長い考察が必要だが、毎年来る人でも10年に一度しか来ない人でも初参加者でも楽しめるイベントであるのは事実
  • スケジュール通りにトークが進行するのは素晴らしい。あれは、参加者が開始前に着席していないと無理。日本人がどうやって5分の休憩時間で遅れなく部屋を移動するのかは謎
  • YAPC::Hiroshimaの広報は優秀
  • YAYAPCでkobakenさんが少しだけ言っていたように、自分は客だという気持ちの入場者がいるのは残念。チケットの売り上げでは全然赤字なのがYAPCなので、一般入場者はお客様ではないのです(これは私の意見)


  • 家から広島の会場まで最短でも24時間かかるので移動は大変だったがその価値はあった
  • また来たい

Vulnerable Perl Spreadsheet Parsing modules

A longer version of this post, including the full timeline as we know it, is available at

Between Dec 2023 and Jan 2024, vulnerabilities in Spreadsheet::ParseExcel and Spreadsheet::ParseXLSX were reported to the CPAN Security Group (CPANSec).  This document describes the timeline and analysis of events.

CVE-2023-7101: Spreadsheet::ParseExcel arbitrary code execution vulnerability

Đình Hải Lê discovered an arbitrary code execution (ACE) vulnerability in the Perl module Spreadsheet::ParseExcel, version 0.65 and earlier.

An attacker, exploiting this vulnerability, would craft an Excel file containing malicious code encoded as a number format string, which is executed when the file is parsed by Spreadsheet::ParseExcel.  Basically, untrusted data is passed to the Perl eval function enabling arbitrary code execution. A detailed write up of the vulnerability and Proof of Concept (PoC) is available at

Announcing the Perl Toolchain Summit in 2024!

After three years of not organising and one successful PTS in Lyon last year, we might have become a bit complacent and forgotten how taxing organizing an event is... After a very slow preparation, we are very pleased to announce the fourteenth edition of the Perl Toolchain Summit!

In 2024, we will be meeting in Lisbon, Portugal, from Wednesday April 25 to Sunday April 28. As has become customary, participants will stay at the hotel, and work in the meeting rooms dedicated for the event.

Perl Weekly Challenge 276: Maximum Frequency

These are some answers to the Week 276, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Spoiler Alert: This weekly challenge deadline is due in a few days from now (on July 7, 2024 at 23:59). This blog post provides some solutions to this challenge. Please don’t read on if you intend to complete the challenge on your own.

Task 2: Maximum Frequency

You are given an array of positive integers, @ints.

Write a script to return the total number of elements in the given array which have the highest frequency.

Example 1

Input: @ints = (1, 2, 2, 4, 1, 5)
Ouput: 4

The maximum frequency is 2.
The elements 1 and 2 has the maximum frequency.

Example 2

This week in PSC (135) | 2024-02-08

This week, the three of us:

  • noted that use VERSION restrictions have had mostly positive responses
  • thought that Data::Printer can’t go in core as-is, but there’s a use case for a debugging helper, some of which might be hidden in D:P’s core
  • discussed adding a builtin::numify function (and the corresponding OP in core)
  • quickly reviewed the PPCs currently being implemented:
    • we should ping the implementors of PPC0014 (English names) and PPC0021 (optional chaining)
    • PPC0022 (meta) has an implementation on CPAN
    • PPC0019 (qt strings) implementation is in progress, but unlikely to be done by 5.40
    • PPC0013 (overload in join) is currently stalled

FOSDEM 2024 TPRF Community Dinner

Get ready for a night of code, community, and culinary delights at the TPRF Sponsored Dinner during FOSDEM! 🍽️✨ Join us on Saturday, February 3rd, for a three-course feast and vibrant conversations.

📅 When: Saturday February 3rd, evening

📍 Where: Bruxelles

🎉 What's Cooking: An unforgettable evening filled with tech talks, networking, and delicious bites!

🤩 How to Join:
RSVP now by filling in this form below and secure your spot! Let's make this dinner a celebration of code and camaraderie.

Google Forms

February 08, 2024 @ 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting

February 08, 6pm CT ~ Houston Perl Mongers Zoom Meeting 🔗 Thu Jan 25 2024
Title: Using Perl Prototypes

When: Thur February 8th at 6:00-8:00 PM CT (+6 UTC)

Where: (virtual, see below):
Meeting ID: 920 069 702
Password can be found by running this statement.
perl -e 'print +(0b1000100).((3<<2)*10).(010)."\n"' # 681208
Original post:

# Perl Weekly Challenge 275: Replace Digits

These are some answers to the Week 275, Task 2, of the Perl Weekly Challenge organized by Mohammad S. Anwar.

Task 2: Replace Digits

You are given an alphanumeric string, $str, where each character is either a letter or a digit.

Write a script to replace each digit in the given string with the value of the previous letter plus (digit) places.

Example 1

Input: $str = 'a1c1e1'
Ouput: 'abcdef'

shift('a', 1) => 'b'
shift('c', 1) => 'd'
shift('e', 1) => 'f'

Example 2

This week in PSC (139) | 2024-03-07

Just Paul and Philippe this week:

  • Paul volunteers to do the 5.39.9 release. We still need people for .10 and 5.40. The .10 release will be timed around PTS - so maybe we could do something “live” at the summit?
  • Mailing list was otherwise quiet so there weren’t many issues to discuss.

In absence of many other pressing issues, we spent some time thinking ahead to large-scale development work that might take place in the 5.41 series. We talked about “hooks” as a potential long-term thought to making a more powerful Magic-like structure, for implementing new features, attributes, etc..

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