Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 - Lisbon Portugal

I just got back from the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 in Lisbon Portugal!

Thank you to Grant Street Group for sponsoring my attendance at the event! Grant Street Group is an amazing place to work, and GSG is hiring! Contact me on (Exodist) if you would like a referral.

This year I took a little side trip before the PTS to explore Lisbon with my wife. It is an amazing city, with a lot of history. I highly recommend visiting it and exploring the castles, palaces, and archaeological sights!

My goal for the PTS was to polish up Yath 2.0 and get it out the door. Spoiler alert: I did not achieve this goal, though I did make good progress. Instead several other things occurred that were even better as far as achieving things that require collaboration go!

Test2/Test2::Suite updates

I had several bug reports that built up over the last couple months. Most of my first day at the PTS was spent fixing these and minting new releases. See the changelog for Test-Simple for details. Without this event it would have been harder to find time to work all these. I also fixed a couple other modules, see my module upload list for all the modules I updated at the PTS.

PAUSE contribution

The PAUSE developers needed a way to manage concurrency. Charsbar (Kenichi Ishigaki) approached me about Parallel::Runner, which was exactly what they needed, but used some outdated modules as I have not touched it in almost a decade. I was able to mint a new release with better and more modern dependencies. Now Parallel::Runner is used under the hood for some PAUSE processes.

Using Yath to test modules on install

Additionally Garu approached me and Leon T. about using Yath as a better and universal way to test modules and upload results to cpanm. This resulted in a collaboration between myself and Leon where we made it will be possible to tell cpan, cpanm, etc to use Yath instead of prove! Once Yath 2.0 and a non-dev version of the new Test-Harness are both available you can do this.

  1. You need version 3.49 or greater of Test-Harness (Currently this is only available in a dev version).
  2. Install yath 2.0 (not released yet, but soon!)
  3. Run like this: HARNESS_SUBCLASS=TAP::Harness::Yath cpanm MODULE
  4. You can also set the TAP_HARNESS_YATH_ARGS env var to add comma separated args. (Example: "-j9,-B")

Yath working group (not an official name)

Garu, Preaction, Ilmari, and I came together to discuss Yath. A new goal for yath is to make it possible for Yath to send cpan testers reports. Garu wants a clear and easy way to make reports. Yath, specially with the above changes to Test-Harness should greatly simplify the process. (We also need a cpantesters plugin for Yath)

Ilmari helped me out with an Audit of the DBIc::Class components of Yath, as well as a short review of the schema where he fixed some index definitions. I am very grateful for this code review.

Preaction and I discussed creating a cpan central Yath server (formerly Yath::UI). This would be a very useful tool both for people running tests, and people trying to fix any issues the tests reveal.

Finally we are now trying to plan a Yath hackathon some time this year to all get together and improve Yath. If 2.0 is not released before the hackathon then the goal of the hackathon will be to get it there.

Other items

Many other things happened at the PTS. We had discussions about security and PAUSE/cpan. Metacpan and PAUSE both had significant work done to them, and both are much better today as a result.I did not actively participate in these improvements, so stay tuned for blogs from other attendees!

Monetary sponsors:, The Perl and Raku Foundation, Deriv, cPanel, Inc Japan Perl Association, Perl-Services, Simplelists Ltd, Ctrl O Ltd, Findus Internet-OPAC, Harald Joerg, Steven Schubiger.

In kind sponsors:

Fastmail, Grant Street Group, Deft, Procura, Healex GmbH, SUSE, Zoopla.

PTS 2023

I am writing this on my flight home from the PTS as I am terrible at writing things as they happen. :-)

The PTS proved to be a very valuable event, as it always has in the past. I am glad it is able to occur again in the wake of covid. One of the first things the group discussed was the lack of motivation in recent years when we could not meet, and how simply coming together again solved that problem for most of us.

This year my employer Grant Street Group paid for me to go to the PTS!

The first day largely became about impor…

Patreon eh?

I read today's Perl Weekly and it suggested supporting module authors on patreon. Figured I would give it a try.

I maintain several perl modules, if you depend on any (Such As Test-Simple, Test2, or yath) here is a way to show your support :-)

Test2+Test-Simple released!

This morning I uploaded Test2/Test-Simple combined into the Test-Simple distribution. You can find this distribution HERE for download. This is the result of 2 years of development on the testing infrastructure. See THIS document for important information about upgrading.

Because this is such an important module, and this release is such a big change, I have also prepared extra tarballs for Test2 and Test-Simple th…

Test2/Test::Builder stable delayed to May 10th

Last Friday Test-Simple 1.302014_009 was released. That plan was to bump that distributions version number and release it as stable this Friday May 6'th.

Since that release a number of minor bugs have been fixed. Most of these are typo fixes and documentation changes. There were also some mistakes in our x-breaks meta-data that needed to be corrected. Finally there was one bug fixed that was not as minor, a 64-byte shared memory leak when using threads.

I have decided that these fixes, in particular the last one, are important enough to put out a new dev release, and bump out …