back to quiet

hooray I will give my first training course at YAPC. As every quarter, i written another wxperl article for $foo which will get part of the teaching material as well as my code examples for the wxperl workshop last year. i really need to prepare better for such incidences.

horray my first article for heise got published. it was about the german perl workshop some days ago, $foo got an entire different version of that, which gets into print today

hooray my money talk was well recieved and helped me to get some interesting contacts.

so all things get quit again, back to the wonders of life that only can flower if your still inside. and as the art of preparing talks i try this time to be ready 2 weeks before Pisa and have time to polish and czech out some deeper details. i mean the test talk is light weight, but the rebol talk will be 30 min more then in schorndorf and the wxperl course will be 5 hours. it has to be blazingly good.

on other side i now get some kephra things done. jenne requested the feature of fullscreen and transparent mode. so i created a new submenu of the view menu called main window containing these 2 items as well as stay on top and editpanel mazimize which i need non my netbook. this shows once again that i think firs and then chang one section as a whole and all the app is balanced and sync again, not appending here and there.


Probably "back to quiet", not "quit" ;)

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