Phishing Attempt on PAUSE Users

I just received an E-Mail purporting to be from the PAUSE Team, claiming a compromise of a server. It was written with some thought, referencing the account name of someone well known and trusted in our community. On closer inspection however, it was merely an attempt to phish PAUSE usernames and passwords via a supposed alternative login server.

I'm sure many of us are old enough and experienced enough to detect and ignore this type of attack. But in case you aren't (welcome!) or if you are feeling a bit out of practice, then please remember to only log in via the official PAUSE en…

New githook-perltidy feature: README from POD

It has been six years since I last mentioned anything about githook-perltidy, a tool for the automatic tidying of Perl and POD files during a Git commit. I rely on it every day, and I still make minor improvements to it, so I thought it worth a quick shout out to others who haven't heard about it or upgraded for a while.

Some CPAN distribution authoring tools come with automatic README generation support. At least in the case of Module::Install::ReadmeFromPod and the various Dist::Zilla plugins I've seen, that generation …

Shell access to $NOT_MY_ENVIRONMENT for development?

I'm a self employed hacker. My development (actually, my total) infrastructure consists of a six-year old laptop running Linux with a full disk and a noisy fan, and a rented virtual server, also Linux. I have a few modules up on CPAN, which occasionally receive reports from cpantesters or the odd individual user with a build/test failure on a platform I don't have access to. Blinding attempting fixes and waiting for reports is tedious and inefficient.

There are a few no-cost BSD shell providers around, which has allowed me to develop and test directly on that platform. However I haven…

Bash function for directory-dependent local::lib

On my laptop I use perlbrew to keep my system perl separate from my development perl. But I also develop various Perl projects with different dependencies, and would like to keep those dependencies separate if possible. Using a separate perlbrew perl for each project as well would be overkill in terms of diskspace, CPU energy and time so I thought local::lib might be useful.

If I install dependencies for a particular project using "cpanm -l extlib $MODULE" in the top level directory, the function below will automatically setup local::lib for that location when I change into that direc…

githook-perltidy update

Last year I wrote script to automatically tidy up your Perl code as it is commited by Git. I just ironed out a final issue that had been bugging me: partially indexed files. That change plus a few documentation cleanups are now available as version 0.04 from my Github repository or as a .zip file.

I also uploaded a distribution (App-git…