October 2010 Archives

Heretical Perl: Writing Catalyst Apps with no ORM

SF.pm X-President Quinn Weaver will be speaking at Mother Jones on October 26th for our October SF.pm meeting.

Catalyst is the leading web MVC framework for Perl. Normally, Catalyst apps use an ORM to communicate with the database. While ORMs can be convenient, they can also hurt performance, tie your app to one database schema, and make complex queries difficult.

But this is Perl, and TMTOWTDI applies: There’s More Than One Way To Do It.

In this talk, Quinn take you through the code of a working Catalyst app that uses stored procedures rather than ORM queries as its interface to PostgreSQL. Along the way, Quinn will touch on a number of useful modules and pragmas such as DBIx::Connector, aliased, Template::Declare, and Test::XPath.

Credits: this talk is based on an app Quinn wrote with David Wheeler as a side project at PostgreSQL Experts. Thanks to David for coming up with the methodology, and writing the (IMO) greater share of of the code, including DBIx::Connector and Test::XPath.

Announcement posted via App::PM::Announce

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About Phred

user-pic I blog about Perl.