Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
- Website: thaljef.org
- About: Hacker, speaker, author, dad.
Recent Actions
Commented on The Joy in What We Run
The Pinto installer is conceptually similar to your bash script. It doesn't build a perl for you, but it does bootstrap itself with cpanm and locally install Pinto and all dependencies from a stable repository on Stratopan.com I have experimented...
Commented on Test::Perl::Critic Is Now Wicked Fast
Test::Perl::Critic sees each file as a single test. So testing a single file won't get any speed boost from MCE. I am working on adding MCE directly to the Perl::Critic API, so that all clients can reap the benefits. Each...
Posted Test::Perl::Critic Is Now Wicked Fast to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Test::Perl::Critic-1.02_002 has just hit CPAN. The new release uses MCE to run tests in parallel across multiple cores. So if you have an 8 core machine, you could see an 8x…
Commented on tmux musings
For extra joy, see also wemux....
Posted Perl::Critic Has New Home And New Look to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Perl::Critic has been improving code and irritating developers for almost 10 years! To celebrate, perlcritic.com has been moved to new hardware and completely rewritten.
The back end is now written in Mo…
Posted Invite Me (Virtually) To Your Next Perl Meetup to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Earlier this week I gave a presentation to the Boston Perl Mongers via Google Hangouts. This was the first time that I've done a presentation remotely, but everything worked flawlessly[1].
I would love to do more of these. If your local PM group or team at $work would like to learn more ab…
Commented on German Perl Workshop 2014 - Talks available on YouTube - T+25 days
You all did a great job on these. The video & audio quality are excellent. Nice to have microphones in the audience too, so we can hear the questions. This really sets the standard for recording Perl conferences. Well done!...
Commented on Make Your Live Demo Flawless!
Thanks, @tinita! I knew about script but not scriptreplay. I'll have to try that next time....
Posted Make Your Live Demo Flawless! to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
In the last few years I've given several presentations on Pinto. I usually start with a deck of slides and then finish with a live demonstration.
We all know the hazards of doing a live demonstration. And with command-line tools, there is …
Commented on Which modules do you use?
Basically mapping part of the GreyPAN or DarkPAN to see which CPAN modules are in use and which modules should be included in such a "batteries included" distribution. Well, that's half the reason I started Stratopan. The sample is...
- Posted TPF Grant Progress Report: March 2014 to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Commented on Installing modules from CPAN *and* your own DarkPAN
Pinto... I assume it will make it possible to mix and match CPAN modules and your own dark modules too That's correct. And the nice thing is (IMHO) that the repository is stable, so you'll always get the same...
Commented on blogs.perl.org and https
I'll pitch in for that! I've got a wildcard cert of my own, and I thought of setting up an HTTPS proxy to blogs.perl.org. But I'm not sure if that is ethical or prudent....
Posted I'm Going To Disney World! to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Well, actually I'm going to YAPC::NA in Orlando, Florida. That "magic kingdom" place is just a side show by comparison.
This will be my fourth YAPC, and I'm especially excited this year. There have been a lot of advancements in asynchronous pro…
Posted Announcing Pinto 0.099 to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Pinto is a powerful tool for creating a…
- Posted TPF Grant Progress Report: January 2014 to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Commented on Building a cpanm-puppet-provider requires first a fuller-featured package manager for perl
I think BooK said it best: [The] package manager role is mostly to deal with file copy and deletion. A module installer, on the other hand, actually runs code (from the distribution to be installed) and generates the files that...
Commented on How can I make this Perl code run faster ?
Please let me know how this works out for you. I'd really like to add this kind of feature to pinto directly. Accurately mapping module versions to distributions is non-trivial, because a given version can appear in many distributions. And...
Posted Attention Pinto Users: Use This Workaround While PAUSE Is Down to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
By default, Pinto is configured to use cpan.perl.org and backpan.perl.org as the upstream repositories. But since cpan.perl.org is currently offline, Pinto will throw an…
- Posted Installing The Whole Enchilada From Pinto to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Commented on DWIM Perl for Linux 5.18.1
Something like DWIM Perl could also be done with Stratopan. But rather than distributing entire Perls with extra modules, you would simply curate a stack with a Task::DWIM module that declares all the dependencies. Stratopan makes it possible to build...
- Posted TPF Grant Progress Report: November 2013 to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Posted Perl-Critic Migration To GitHub Is Complete to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Perl-Critic-1.121 marks the first production release from the new GitHub repository. We've also moved all the RT tickets to the
Posted Announcing Perl-Critic-1.121 With CERT Themes to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
The next version of Perl::Critic has been shipped to CPAN and it includes built-in themes tied to the CERT guidelines for secure coding. …
Commented on My first public, non-CPAN Perl release
No, you did everything right. You just found a regression (thanks for that). Test case added, and new release shipped. Give it another shot. For the moment I suggest sticking with a public repository. Private repositories aren't quite ready yet....
Commented on My first public, non-CPAN Perl release
My point for this post is that I think there exists a niche market for a platform that hosts non-CPAN releases but reuse the CPAN tools/architecture. That's exactly what Stratopan is for. Public repositories are always free, and a great...
- Posted TPF Grant Progress Report: October 2013 to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
Posted Pinto Road Show: Silicon Valley to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
The road show continues! This time, I will be presenting Pinto at the Silicon Valley Perl Mongers meetup this Thursday, October 3. So come out and learn how a private CPAN made with Pinto can save you from hours of needless…
Posted Docs For Modules In Your Pinto Repository to Jeffrey Ryan Thalhammer
A couple weeks ago, Andy Gorman sent a patch for a new Pinto command that displays the perldoc for any module in the repository. I thought this was a great idea, but we weren't quite sure about the design. So for now, it is…
Commented on Cooperative module maintenance?
The MetaCPAN team has an organization, and so does The Perl Foundation. I've also been working to bring some projects under the Perl organization on GitHub (possibly including Perl itself). I agree with @vsespb that we shouldn't try to lump...

Comment Threads
mrallen1#63580 commented on
Make Your Live Demo Flawless!
Damian Conway demo'd IO::Prompter with this functionality at OSCON a few years ago:
Olivier Mengué (dolmen) commented on
German Perl Workshop 2014 - Talks available on YouTube - T+25 days
yapc.tv and perltv.org exist to centralize such videos. It would be helpful to add the videos (or the links) on those sites too.
bigfoot commented on
tmux musings
Thanks, that looks very interesting.
Buddy Burden commented on
The Joy in What We Run
> For my Statocles project, I was planning on bundling the entire pure-Perl dependency chain into the user's repository, but what you've described is a much better option, especially if it can be made to work on Windows.
Yeah, working on Windows is a bit more challenging. On Unixoid varieties, you can count on having bash and at least some flavor of Perl, even if ancient, and you can do quite a lot with just those two. With Windows you can't count on much, so you're pretty much forced to compile something executable. Which is a bit more work than I was personally hoping to do. :-…
Buddy Burden commented on
The Joy in What We Run
The Pinto installer is conceptually similar to your bash script. It doesn't build a perl for you, but it does bootstrap itself with cpanm and locally install Pinto and all dependencies from a stable repository on Stratopan.com
Two things there:
1) Maybe I should make building the separate Perl optional. It does take forever, even with the tests turned off. And that's a pretty big downside for adoption of your app. But there's just so many glitchy little things with not knowing what version of Perl is running your app. You have language features that you …

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