CPAN Testers
- About: This is the new account for incidental and summary updates to what's happening with the CPAN Testers. For all the latest news and views please see our blog.
Recent Actions
Commented on CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
Your assumption that there would be virtually no changes after the Metabase is incorrect. There would be several. Again we've had this discussion before and as Toby also points out, the problem dependency may be nothing to do with the...
Commented on CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
Totally agree, It doesn't have to be a trial/development version, any prerequisite could cause the problem. There could be a trial version in the pre-requisite that has nothing to do with the problem. Hence, why I will look at a...
Posted CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting to CPAN Testers
Seeing as b.p.o won't let me comment on others' blog entries, I'm posting here.
This is in reply to brian's recent post about a trial version of Test::More
Commented on Test::More has lots of crazy new development that's breaking my modules
Firstly. @preaction CPANTS != CPAN Testers. They are two very different projects. Secondly, this is a conversation that has cropped up before, and I'm still in two minds about it. Short answer: I tend to side with brian. The tester...
Commented on CPAN Day - 317 Uploads and 21 Guns
Hi INGY, The official final tally for you was 316. The first was App-AYCABTU-0.08.tar.gz at 2014-08-16 00:00:29, and the last was Swim-0.1.22.tar.gz at 2014-08-16 23:58:26. These are based on the unix UTC timestamps of the files rather than PAUSE messages....
Commented on CPAN Day - start your engines!
"The most releases in a month is 2427, in May 2013. As I write this, there have been 1250 releases in August so far. We're not going to beat the record tomorrow, but maybe we can push ourselves a lot...
Commented on CPAN Day - start your engines!
And you can follow it all at http://stats.cpantesters.org/uploads.html...
Posted CPAN Testers Server Upgrade to CPAN Testers
Hi folks,
Sorry for the short notice, but the CPAN Testers Server will be getting an upgrade this weekend. This will start from Friday 27th September, and will continue over the weekend.
Further details on the blog - http://blog.cpan…
Commented on Am I pandering to the smoke testers?
"If you build it they will come". You already have access to the text based reports, and the structured data is also described (see CPAN::Testers::Report, CPAN::Testers::Fact::LegacyReport and CPAN::Testers::Fact::TestSummary). Using test examples you can create a demo search site. If you...
Commented on Am I pandering to the smoke testers?
Starting a lynch mob is unlikely to win you any favours. Please read the reply to your post carefully. It does answer your question. In particular the third paragraph. By all means go ahead and write a CPAN Testers search...
Commented on Cooperative module maintenance?
https://github.com/cpan-testers for CPAN Testers tools....
Posted Misconceptions & Misunderstandings to CPAN Testers
While there are many who really appreciate the work of CPAN Testers, and value the feedback it gives, but it would seem there are still several people who are less than complimentary. One recently posted about what they see as wrong with the project, while continually making incorrect and…
Posted 30 Million Reports to CPAN Testers
Congratulations to Nigel Horne for submitting the 30 millionth CPAN Testers Report. The report itself was a PASS for DBI.
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - January 2013 - Up to CPAN Testers
Quite a few updates for this month's summary. New CPAN distributions, plenty of fixes, some updates, lots of discussion ... and 27 over million reports!
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - December 2012 - Shabooh Shoobah to CPAN Testers
November turned out to be a very eventful and productive month. Aside from various code updates with some CPAN-Testers distributions, including porting many of the tests to Test::Database, and discovering…
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - November 2012 - Kick to CPAN Testers
If I could kick the Amazon SimpleDB we have, I'd take great delight in doing so. Thankfully, our days of relying on it are numbered ... in a good way. More news on this will be forthcoming soon.
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Posted CPAN Testers Summary - September 2012 - Listen Like Thieves to CPAN Testers
We had a bit of downtime on the CPAN Testers last month. Did you notice? I doubt it, as the guys at Bytemark did a wonderful job helping to get us back online. We had a disk failure and with minimal fuss they…
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - August 2012 - Wish to CPAN Testers
August was quite an exhausting month, with several news worthy items. The YAPC::Europe 2012 conference, as mentioned last month, featured a few talks relating to testing, including my own looking specifically at
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - July 2012 - Head On The Door to CPAN Testers
July was a relatively quiet month for CPAN Testers. Although reports have been flowing, our attentions have largely been elsewhere. Development work behind the scenes is still continuing, but nothing major to report just yet.
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Posted CPAN Testers Summary - June 2012 - Seventeen Seconds to CPAN Testers
MDK is the man! A big thank you to Mark Keating for a great post about how to donate to the
Posted New CPAN Testers Sponsor: Webfusion to CPAN Testers
It is with great pleasure that we officially announce a new sponsor for the CPAN Testers Project. Webfusion have provided us with Managed Hosting, for us to use…
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - May 2012 - Black Moon to CPAN Testers
May proved quite an interesting month. Firstly, I got several confused emails relating to the Status page on The CPAN Testers Reports site.…
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - April 2012 - Pictures At An Exhibition to CPAN Testers
Firstly for this summary, I would like to extend a big thank to lestrrat, Mark Allen and Ron Savage for the first individual donations to the CPAN Testers Fund, as…
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - March 2012 - Brain Salad Surgery to CPAN Testers
So March ended on quite a high, following the 2012 QA Hackathon. With so many key people in one room, it was impressive to see how much got done. You can read reports from myself (parts
Commented on Sponsoring CPAN Testers
Hi John, that's a very good question. Currently it costs about 3,000 GBP/3,600 EUR/4,800 USD per year for the servers. However, we are currently in negotiations to have some servers donated for our use, which should reduce this by about...
- Posted Sponsoring CPAN Testers to CPAN Testers
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - February 2012 - Highway 61 Revisited to CPAN Testers
With 20 million reports, CPAN Testers is very definitely one of the biggest online repositories of test reports for both programming languages and software applications. While other languages and applications may have…
- Posted 20 Million Test Reports to CPAN Testers
Posted CPAN Testers Summary - January 2012 - Bringing It All Back Home to CPAN Testers
January ended up being quite a productive month, with several issues with websites getting sorted finally.
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Posted CPAN Testers Summary - December 2011 - Blood on the Tracks to CPAN Testers
Happy New Year to all. Last year had its ups and downs, so here's hoping that 2012 sees a much more settled year :)

Comment Threads
exodist7 commented on
Test::More has lots of crazy new development that's breaking my modules
As the person making the Test::More changes, I have to agree with this idea:
Failures due to alpha versions of Test::More should not be red marks against OTHER modules that in no way took action to cause the problem.
If I had known they did show up there I probably would have been reluctant to release these alphas. The alphas are valuable and help me find a lot of issues... but I don't want other people to be dinged from them. I myself judge modules based on the pass/fail ratio in cpan testers.
At the very least these should be unknown, not fail (in metacpan/cpan dis…
Ether commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
> The "DEVREL" prefix will be appended as soon as there is *anything* in the chain
I like this a lot, and it's similar to what I was thinking too. However, I realize now there's a problem here -- the release status of a module can't always be determined from the module itself (at least, not the $VERSION) - you need the distribution metadata to determine that.
There is one (relatively) simple way to handle misdirected failures, however -- allow a mechanism to redirect them. We've already got nearly that, with the new admin site -- just modify the interface to allow redirectin…
exodist7 commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I agree with Peter Rabbitsons solution, I left a comment to that same effect in the original post.
I am the one making these Test::More changes, and I would have been a lot more reluctant to make these alpha releases if I know it would give other people red marks. I myself judge modules based on red vs green counts.
Peter Rabbitson commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
I still maintain that "oh, changing the set of test tags beyond the current 4 is too hard" is a dead-end strategy. In order to remain relevant the cpantesters infrastructure must allow for extra test-type additions anyway - the current set is too limited.
In addition I do not believe (given I know and admire the skill of everyone involved) that the current stack is written so badly, that it will be a monumental effort to allow for "super-namespacing" of the test results. At worst it should be a couple day slog, perfect for a hackathon... if there only was an upcoming one ;)
Andreas Koenig commented on
CPAN Testers & pre-requisite reporting
Is this discussion probably just about limitations we have, as individuals and as a community? I see it that we have microcosmoses of people and modules and interactions between individual entities. Whenever some combination of those does not work we get some sort of problem and impact. And what we do about it is to watch carefully bad interactions so we can countersteer. More tags? What a brilliant idea if everybody could tag in advance what a release would break. But why release at all, then? If people could tag their software as broken in advance, why would they not fix their crap…

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