- Website: moikrug.ru/konkov-e
Recent Actions
Commented on Mojocast #4: Stash, Flash, and Sessions
Domain 'mojocast.com' is for sale. Does site moved to somewhere else?...
Commented on RxPerl release candidate is out
Would be nice if you ask to put link from site to your module. So perl will be listed ;-)...
Commented on Constant Platypus
Thank you for your articles. Would be nice to see articles about how to create 'record' (perl objects). Especially how to create struct which refer to different struct....
Commented on I start to write Mojolicious Startup
would be nice if you wrap your link which is already translates Japanese into English: https://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fweb.perlzemi.com%2F This is english blog, so people as minimum will be happy to see already translated version....
Commented on Module::Lazy - postpone module loading until actually used
typo? Module::Lazu...
Commented on Promoting Perl
Just a thought: Maybe we do not see often contribution in perl because projects just work. They just do not require 24/7 attention after implementation....
Posted Mojolicous: configure plugin's actions to Eugen Konkov
While writing plugins we can do something:
$app->plugin( Auth => { user_check => sub{ my( $user ) = @_; # authentication_code_here; }, );
But I prefer to keep my ="https://mojolicious.org/perldoc/Mojol…
Commented on The Future of Perl 5
@Diab +1 Method::Signatures isn't it what?...
Commented on StackOverflow that!
Yes, SO interface is better. How about to Port mongers Q/A to SO?...
Commented on Don't use until, unless...
I will agree with you that unnecessary negation is bad. But I will not agree that `unless` keyword usage is complex. You should just use it in right place. By `unless` you should mark code which SHOULD NOT RUN in...
Posted How to pass arguments for Mojolicious filter to Eugen Konkov
Sometimes we are required to check incoming IDs not only for format, but also for existence in DB.
But different IDs we should check through different models.
This pull request tries to add this functionality. If it will be appi…
Posted Soft call operator: ~> (thoughts) to Eugen Konkov
Commented on How fast can you try?
There mispell: TTTM => Try::Tiny::Tiny with Triy::Tiny (master)...
Commented on Short presentation of The new Perl debugger
I have found the answers here: https://github.com/travis-perl/helpers...
Commented on Short presentation of The new Perl debugger
Thank you. Have added 5.24 back again. Is it possible to test perl-blead?...
Posted Short presentation of The new Perl debugger to Eugen Konkov
The link of the project
You may Download presentation or view short video
The main feature of new debugger is debugging debugger comman…
Commented on Reply to David Golden "Comparison of Class::Tiny and Object::Simple"
> See Object::Simple(CPAN) for more details. I add FAQ section to reply this question. It will be usefull to see link to this article in module doc too: http://www.dagolden.com/index.php/2675/comparison-of-classtiny-and-objectsimple/ @xdg: and in the Class::Tiny too For example in the SEE...
Commented on Simplest class builder "Object::Simple" 3.17 released!
If you improve Mojo::Base is it better to make merge request into Mojolicious and do not spoil namespaces by creating same module with different name? Yes, with Mojolicious we get extra modules, but they are not so big to worry...
Commented on The comma operator
Can you please cover this case: @list = 2, 3, 4; print @list; # 2;...
Commented on Do not pass perl globals as arguments to subroutines
Even this first subroutine line will not save you if you will do some debugger stuff: sub process { my( $state, $sub ) = @_; } #somewhere in DB::sub: process( $DB::single, $DB::sub ); Here when &process is called the $DB::sub...
Posted Do not pass perl globals as arguments to subroutines to Eugen Konkov
Recently I faced this problem when loose an exception message in Mojolicious
What do you think is wrong here

Comment Threads
Peter Edwards commented on
The Future of Perl 5
+1 to OO classes and optional type checking in core. It would save time, effort and errors, and give more standardised, readable code (while still letting you TIMTOWTDI)
Erez Schatz commented on
The Future of Perl 5
I gave it much thought before, mostly when I wondered why did so much effort was given to something like "postfix dereferencing" that is nothing more than syntactic sugar (or, to my taste, syntactic salt) rather than a proper object system, Class::MOP or otherwise.
In other words, since the perl5porters is a small, focused team of volunteers …
Duncan White commented on
The Future of Perl 5
Hi Ovid, your LRU example is indeed lovely syntax, I'd certainly use it - and I'm not a Moose user, I like the original bless-based Perl 5 object system. For my own amusement, I wrote a bless-based version. It's shorter than your original Moose version, although of course I had to write a new function which Moose does for you.
But is anyone likely to implement "class" syntax in Perl 5 anytime soon? If not, it's just a pipe dream, isn't it?
Finally, I note that the "method" syntax is already available in Perl 5 via either Method::Signatures or (my preference) Function::Para…
Yuki Kimoto commented on
I start to write Mojolicious Startup
Oh, this way is very good!
I use this way for my Japanese Web Site.
Aristotle commented on
Mojocast #4: Stash, Flash, and Sessions
This entry was posted in 2011. As early as 2013 the site was redirecting to some post on Google Plus (remember that thing?) which has since been lost, and unsurprisingly the domain was for sale half a year later. I was going to say that your chances of finding any remnants of the content look less than promising.
To my astonishment, doing the minimum-effort thing of googling for [mojocast perl] does turn up an Archive.org collection containing a sparse few of its episodes: https://archive.org/details/podcas…

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