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Posted Comparing coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike protein sequences with BioPerl to zubenel
Continuing from extraction of coronavirus spike protein sequences I decided to compare them and see if any mutations could be found. To do this I needed to align…
Posted Extracting coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spike protein sequences with BioPerl to zubenel
As I started learning Perl I found out that there is a collection of Perl modules for bioinformatics tasks and it is called BioPerl. Intrigued I decided to try to use it for a simple task as it would help me in learning Perl. So the next question was: what task…
Commented on k-Means<br>k-Means-er
It seems that you are getting some meaningful clusters with kmeans! From your post it looks that you have knowledge and drive to decipher PDL::Stats::Kmeans. Reading this I thought a little about your previous post as you wrote that you...
Commented on Struggle getting PDL book example to work on Windows 10
Dmitry, thank you for help, I was able to run an example with Prima! Plot was generated, but somehow on the top I see PDL/Prima (Not Responding) and if I move the cursor on the top of the plot I...
Posted Struggle getting PDL book example to work on Windows 10 to zubenel
Encouraged by Enkidu I decided to write a little about my unsuccessful trial to run PDL Book example on Windows. It all started in December 2019 as I decided to learn Perl and looked for a way to create SVM…
Commented on PDL: Episode VI - a New Book
Enkidu, as I am only Perl beginner I do not think that my trials will be very useful and could make an entire chapter. Nevertheless I might try to find time to write about it but I do not know...
Commented on No more rhyming and I k-means it!
I have encountered problems trying to visualize results with PDL::Graphics::Simple as written in perlmonks: https://perlmonks.org/?node_id=11111203...
Commented on Recent work on Chart::GGPlot
Thanks for incredible library Stephan! I hope it that little by little it will become more known....
Commented on No more rhyming and I k-means it!
I agree with Saif that it is refreshing to see new examples on how to use PDL and a book would be something really cool. Nevertheless, these articles are valuable for me as they do work on Windows and some...
Commented on It's beginning to look a lot like k-Means 🎵
Thank you for helpful posts. I am keen to learn more about clustering with PDL....
Commented on It's beginning to look a lot like k-Means 🎵
Thank you for helpful posts. I am keen to learn more about clustering with PDL....

Comment Threads
Enkidu commented on
No more rhyming and I k-means it!
I'd say that if you've found some examples from the PDL Book that don't work on Windows, that you should raise an issue on https://github.com/PDLPorters/pdl-book I was very surprised at how fast some people respond to bug reports.
That being said, a chapter on how to make PDL work with Windows would make any book that much nicer. Do you fancy sharing some of your pain?
Enkidu commented on
PDL: Episode VI - a New Book
Zubenel, sometimes I blog my frustrations out in the hopes that it will be useful
As an author, you won't get better unless you write and I will do my utmost to enable that! If you can reply here, I would think you can also post here on blogs.perl.org (look for the Post link at the top). The locals are quite polite, so it's a good place to get started. It's not the b…
Enkidu commented on
I've tried to use k-means before and came off the worse, so you could see this as Rocky II. This time I'm going the distance!
I think Dave Cross suggested to me that an e-book could be like a short story, only as long as it needs to be to complete an idea. Or you could think of it as an Agile approach to authoring. I'm just trying to keep to a schedule of one post every 2 weeks and an investment of 3 hours effort (which explains the glib and haphazard style :)
brian d foy commented on
PDL: Episode VI - a New Book
I'd love to write a PDL book. It's definitely on my list of interesting ideas.
However, good books take quite a bit of time and effort. It's not a matter of simply writing. Most of the pain is in sequencing—what's the minimal amount someone needs to know to do the next step?
My Learning Perl 6 book raised $40k on Kickstarter. I got about $37k after fees, and spent about half of that on buying the books wholesale to ship to people. I don't think I'd do a niche book like that for that little again because that's all the money I'd ever get. With Learning Perl, my royalties are…
Enkidu commented on
PDL: Episode VI - a New Book
I entirely agree. Content is key and the more I dig through the documentation, the more I see there is to write about. The "loads of free time" quip was tongue-in-cheek. Other than a lottery win, the one way I see a book getting written is for 20 people to think it'll be easy and then be too stubborn to stop. If someone out there does think they have what it takes to get a book over the line, I could be persuaded to release my stuff under CC-BY just for the joy of seeing something new pushed out there. It warmed my heart when I recently tripped over 40 pages on the ="https://ar…

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