- Website: leo.cuckoo.org/
- About: London Perl developer
Recent Actions
Posted PTS 2024 - Day 4 - here comes the sun... it's all right! to Leo Lapworth
Following on from The bad days
We made the decision that our problems in Kubernetes were exactly the sort of thing that should not be distractions to the project. We had been trying to …
Posted PTS 2024 - day 2 and 3... the bad days to Leo Lapworth
Following on from day 1
Joel and I spent some more time working out disk provisioning and then decided to upgrade the nodes in the cluster... this is where the problems started...
I shutdown a nod…
Posted PTS 2024 - day 1 to Leo Lapworth
I am always flattered to be invited to the Perl Toolchain Summit, and reinvigorated in working on MetaCPAN each time.
Currently I am focused on building on the work I and others did last year in setting up Kubernetes for more of MetaCPAN (and other projects) to host on.
Last week …
Posted PTS 2018 - Day 1 to Leo Lapworth
I'm at the Perl Toolchain Summit 2018 in Oslo for a few days working with the MetaCPAN team. This is the 10th year of the summit (although confusingly the 11th actual summit!), and the 3rd year I've been able to attend.
My focus for da…
Posted Meta::Hack 2 to Leo Lapworth
Meta::Hack 2 - 2017
Meta::Hack is about getting the core MetaCPAN team together for a few days to work on improving... well as much as possible! Last year we focused on deploying to a new infrastructure, with new version of Elasticsearch. This year was a much more varied …
Posted PTS 2017 - perl.org / metacpan / grep / cpancover / depreciations to Leo Lapworth
This was the second year I got invited to Perl Toolchain Summit 2017 (PTS) - I think I got even more done than last year.
Having so many people all working on similar projects really does lead to an exponential amount of productivity, b…
Posted Meta::Hack - MetaCPAN Upgrade to Leo Lapworth
A small group of us got together for a 4 day hackathon (17th to 21st of Nov 2016) in Chicargo, with the goal of switching https://metacpan.org over to the new https://fastapi.metacpan.org/v1/. This has been a…
Commented on A pumpking is born
Congrats, glad they went with my recommendation (ok, it might not have been my recommendation, but your abilities that actually helped them make the decision)....
Posted Perl QAH and MetaCPAN to Leo Lapworth
This year was my first Perl Quality Assurance Hackathon, and even then I could only make 2 of the 4 days. I now wish I'd been to everyone ever, and for the full time!
I've been working on th…
Commented on blogs.perl.org... Perl's Death by 1,000 Cuts
Could I ask, are you volunteering to help out, or are you just moaning? - either are fine, but your post isn't clear on if you have a solution...
Commented on Warning: perlsphere.net has been hacked
https://github.com/ranguard/perlsphere/commit/db1694583e8d2002eaa59c2929b4c1b09558b7d1 - that's removed issue the content. "Hacked" is a bit harsh, no one got into our systems and everything worked as expected... We aggregate content, we can't police all the sources or links - anyone can emailed me (email...
Commented on perlsphere.net: Static since last Friday
You could have also emailed me - my email is at the top of the page :) I'll try fix it tonight - thanks for the heads up...
Commented on This is just a test, this is just the beginning...
If you are proxying to one host check out: https://github.com/ranguard/plack-example/blob/master/psgi_demos/demo-caching-proxy1.psgi and https://github.com/ranguard/plack-example/blob/master/psgi_demos/demo-caching-proxy2.pl http://www.slideshare.net/ranguard/plack-basics-for-perl-websites-yapceu-2011 (slide 229 onwards) Hope that's of use...
Commented on A NuoDB Driver for Perl
Thanks for releasing this - any chance you could put it on CPAN as well - that would make using it much easier (and you also get it tested on lots of plaforms and other goodies)....
Commented on Pre-Modern Perl VS Post-Modern Perl: FIGHT!
Great Post... totally agree... I want Perl to be my swiss army knife with ALL the options, including the new funny blade with the hooky bit at the end. I'm already feeling like one of those people with a legacy...
Commented on SOAP::Lite 0.716 released
Wonderful - great work...
Commented on [FAILED] 10x faster than LibXML
Yes - please put this on CPAN As long as the docs mention the limitations you have discussed here then it's a really worthwhile addition. Thanks...
Posted Perl News - let us know about your big story to Leo Lapworth
Perlnews.org has been going for about 2 years now and keeps going well, but we want to ramp it up... a bit... (we want a couple of stories a week really). We are now feeds www.perl.org homepage as well.
So if you have a …
Commented on Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
+1 for trying something like this. I'll help on websites where I can....
Commented on I am sad
I've not read all the posts about naming that are going on, but what I have read is about Perl 5 and the problems it has. No one is making Perl 6 the enemy (I think that used to be...
Commented on Sorry I can't dance, I'm holding on to my friend's purse
Cool! I do something like this already with ttree and a script, but being able to use your code and Plack::Middleware::TemplateToolkit would be even nicer. One of the things about static sites is you can HOST them on Amazon's S3!...
Commented on my $perl_blog;
Welcome - if you haven't already check out: https://metacpan.org/module/Task::Kensho -recommended modules for many situations http://www.onyxneon.com/books/modern_perl/index.html - free book with general good coding practices...
Commented on So, Kiev 2013
No live auction please - lightening talks at the end of every day is good....
Commented on YAPC::EU::2012, what I missed
Please... No! - the auction sucks the soul out of people... you are the first person in 5 or 6 years with something positive to say about it (and I've discussed it with quite a few people over that time)....
Commented on Teaching Perl with Comedy
I saw a great talk years a go 'war stories from the front' or something like that, I think it was Piers Cawley that did it. Basically he told a couple of war stories about how things had gone wrong,...
Commented on This is why I love Template Toolkit
Woo - who knew! - really should read more of the documentation. That's really useful - thanks...
Commented on Explaining Web Programming via Plack
Hi Ovid, Probably too much but you might want to have a look at the plack bit of: http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/aix/library/au-perlweb_revision/index.html Which you may or may not find useful - enjoy :) Leo...
Commented on Yet Another Society Website
Did you try the domain contact details on whois? That's who owns the domain now....
Commented on Using WebKit to generate PDF slides
Commented on TPF Payments Delayed
Thanks for your work on this and getting it resolved....

Comment Threads
philcoke commented on
blogs.perl.org... Perl's Death by 1,000 Cuts
Zoffix Znet commented on
A pumpking is born
Zoffix Znet commented on
A pumpking is born
Alex Balhatchet commented on
A pumpking is born
Congratulations man! A fantastic choice by whoever makes these decisions, Perl continues on in the hands of those who love it :)
Richard Foley commented on
A pumpking is born
Good job, to Ricardo for a tough job well done, and wishing you all the best for a tough job to come! Know that the rest of us (population-of-world-minus-pumpking) appreciate your combined efforts every day, even if we don't say so every day.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.