Steven Haryanto
- About:
A programmer (mostly Perl 5 nowadays).
My CPAN ID: SHARYANTO. I'm sedusedan on perlmonks. My twitter is stevenharyanto (but I don't tweet much). Follow me on github: sharyanto.
Recent Actions
Commented on About one-liners
There's no reason you can have it both ways (at least in some respect). You can put your shell history in a git repository (true, this is not the same thing as putting a single script file). You can use...
Commented on The ghost of CPAN Days past
What will really be interesting is to compare 2014 CPAN Day (which we'll about to pass) and the subsequent years. 2013 and the preceding CPAN days were not celebrated....
Commented on Put your CPAN distributions on github
gitpan: https://github.com/gitpan cpan2git: https://github.com/ggoossen/cpan2git...
Commented on Celebrate CPAN Day With Your Local Perl Mongers
Though I don't mind two CPAN days? Or perhaps make it a CPAN week....
Commented on Celebrate CPAN Day With Your Local Perl Mongers
s/14/16/; # https://blogs.perl.org/users/neilb/2014/07/cpan-day-is-16th-august.html...
Commented on Time::Moment vs DateTime
I'm seriously considering switching to Time::Moment. While DateTime is great functionality-wise, it's really slow, bloated, and unfit for some use-cases....
Commented on Let's top git.io
Limiting to users with lots of followers makes sense, because otherwise I suspect a significant portion of the top entries would be bots....
Posted (?P<NAME>...) vs (?<NAME>...) to Of course I still use Perl
Most Perl programmers using named captures in regex probably pick the
syntax, as that's what's displayed more prominently in the Perl documentation and tutorials.However, Python does not support this syntax and uses
Commented on Net:: vs WWW:: vs WebService::
Is it not possible to restrict people from adding more modules to the Net namespace without review and approval? That's not how PAUSE or the Perl community works. Unless there's spam or some technical glitch, people are free to submit...
Posted Easily add tab completion feature to your CLI program using Getopt::Long::Complete to Of course I still use Perl
There are several modules to help you create command-line program with tab completion feature, including Getopt::Complete and Perinci::CmdLine (and its new lightweight alternative
Commented on Net:: vs WWW:: vs WebService::
Not a bad suggestion also! Though I'd abbreviate them a bit. Not just for the fingers, but for the eyes. For example: Net::Proto::App::HTTP, Net::Proto::Transport::ZeroMQ. Although having Net::Proto prefix alone (Net::Proto::HTTP, Net::Proto::ZeroMQ) is a huge improvement already....
Commented on Net:: vs WWW:: vs WebService::
I suspect people are more likely to search MetaCPAN for Yelp than WebService. So, I see no reason to use WebService, let alone prefer it. I.e. what does it offer? All you've said above is that it exists. I also...
Posted Net:: vs WWW:: vs WebService:: to Of course I still use Perl
(This blog post will serve as a document that I point to for people to read when I suggest people renaming their third-party-API modules [although not necessarily always from Net:: to WWW:: or WebService::]. I'm currently on a
Commented on Some statistics from Debian package tags
On the contrary, I expected OCaml to have more packages :) OCaml is a bit like Perl: practical (instead of pure), multiparadigm (functional *and* OO), Unix oriented. It should be one of the choices to go to when perl is...
Posted Some statistics from Debian package tags to Of course I still use Perl
I'm running Debian Stable (7.x, Wheezy, 7.4 to be exact) on amd64.
Count all Debian packages by their implementation language (I know, not the most efficient way):
% ( for tag in `debtags tagcat | grep '^Tag: implemented-in::' | sed 's/^Tag: //'`; do echo -e `debtags search $…
Commented on Benchmarking several ASCII-table-generator modules
Posted Benchmarking several ASCII-table-generator modules to Of course I still use Perl
UPDATE #1 2014-07-11: Added Catmandu::Exporter::Table. This module is not exactly lightweight, so I will not consider it for usage in Perinci::CmdLine::Lite, but it's interesting to benchmark anyway.
UPDATE #2 2014-…
Commented on Perlmodules.net is awesome
The item links in the feed still point to the protected view though....
Commented on Perlmodules.net is awesome
BTW, I can't see your list. I'm logged in, and the page says "You are logged-in as the wrong user. The content you just tried to view is not accessible by the user you are currently logged-in as. Please log...
Commented on Scalar::Util::looks_like_number
https://github.com/sharyanto/scripts/blob/master/list-numeric-scalar-types Sample output (hopefully MT will behave here): looks_like_number (Scalar::Util 1.39): 'inf' 1 'nan' 1 '-inf' 1 1 1 '1' 1 '1.2' 1 '1.2' 1 -1 1 '-1.2' 1 '-1' 1 '-1.2' 1 '1e+100' 1 '1e-100' 1 'a' 0 Scalar::Util::Numeric:...
Commented on Scalar::Util::looks_like_number
https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=94806 A new version of Scalar::Util has been released and now booleanizes looks_like_number(), so this trick can no longer be used. As an alternative, see chocolateboy's Scalar::Util::Numeric....
Posted Skipping large files when mirroring your mini CPAN to Of course I still use Perl
My Internet connection at home is not great: it's rather slow and flaky. When I ran minicpan to update my mini CPAN earlier today, the process always seemed to choke on this file: id/D/DG/DGINEV/Lingua-EN-SENNA-0.03.tar.gz: exit with Connection time-out error. The first run I thought it…
Commented on Introducing Text::ANSITable
I see that Text::ANSITable 0.33 has appeared in PPM repository. Installing it with ActivePerl should be easy now....
Commented on One final rant about programmable completion in bash
Hi McA, I've added some intro docs/pointers to Complete::Util 0.10. Hopefully that helps a bit. To be honest I originally wrote Complete::Util just so I can use it from Perinci::CmdLine :-)...
Commented on One final rant about programmable completion in bash
You're right, quoting (double as well as single quotes in this case) works to prevent bash breaking words. Now I have to think whether I should use '::' again :-)...
Posted One final rant about programmable completion in bash to Of course I still use Perl
Still hacking around bash tab completion. Released some utilities like pmpath, podpath, pmless, pmedit (you can find them in App-PMUtils distribution). To use these utilities:
% cpanm App::PMUtils % comple…
Commented on Another (silly) idea: autocorrect in shell (bash) tab completion
Yup, fish is nice. Creating programmable completion Perl module for fish is on my todo list. :)...
Commented on Another (silly) idea: autocorrect in shell (bash) tab completion
UPDATE: bash does replace to-be-completed word with the common prefix of all possible completion, so autocorrect is already possible. Yay! For example, if word is "adu" and completion is ["audrey", "audry"], bash *will* replace the "adu" with "audr". If word...
Commented on Another (silly) idea: autocorrect in shell (bash) tab completion
Yup, the COMP_{LINE,WORDS,POINT} thingy and I use it. It cannot be made to do the autocorrection like I described in the blog post though....
Posted Another (silly) idea: autocorrect in shell (bash) tab completion to Of course I still use Perl
Here's another idea that just popped up in my head and can be considered silly, somewhat: autocorrect for tab completion.
bash already has cdspell shell option (enabled via shopt -s cdspell) which can correct directory names for you, so for example if you have a directory n…

Comment Threads
Tim commented on
Sending a simple email: the current "modern" way
I tried the following:
use Email::Simple;
use Email::Sender::Transport::Sendmail qw();
use Try::Tiny;$recipient = $_POST['recipient'];
$firstname = $_POST['firstname'];
$lastname = $_POST['lastname'];
$from = $firstname + $lastname;
$subject = $_POST['subject'];
$body = $_POST['body'];my $email = Email::Simple->create(
header=>[To=>$recipient, From=>$from,
);try {
… -
David Cantrell commented on
Learning from other industries, part 1 of n
I'm now blogging elsewhere. Part 2 is here: https://dev.to/drhyde/learning-from-other-industries-part-2-of-n-4dj3
FeloniousSkunk commented on
I'm looking for issues of The Perl Journal
If you're interested, I found this post while researching the history of the PJ, prior to ebaying Vol01/Iss01 through Vol03/Iss04 - let me know if you would prefer them to me listing them.
FeloniousSkunk commented on
I'm looking for issues of The Perl Journal
BTW: They are in mint condition (just now took them out of the envelopes!)
Christian Damen commented on
Time::Moment vs DateTime
Gonna migrate our PERL5 applications from DateTime => Time::Moment. Thanks for all the efforts.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.