Vyacheslav Matyukhin
- Website: berekuk.ru
- About: I wrote Ubic. I worked at Yandex for many years, and now i'm building my own startup questhub.io (formerly PlayPerl). I'm also working on Flux, streaming data processing framework. CPAN ID: MMCLERIC.
Recent Actions
Posted Contribute to Perl by completing quests on Questhub to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
Play Perl is now the Perl realm on Questhub.
Commented on Flux: new streaming data processing framework
Thank you! I thought Beam::Wire was about configuration, something like Bread::Board? Our Stream framework had a configuration layer, too; not DI-style, though, just a registry to reference all streams by their names. I haven't released its Flux rewrite yet. Beam::Wire...
Posted Flux: new streaming data processing framework to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
What's it good for? Message queues; organizing your data processing scripts in a scalable way; de-coupling your processing pipeline elements, making them reusable…
Posted Don't copy "use autodie" in every module to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
Here's a quick benchmark:
$ time perl -E 'say "package X$_; use autodie qw(:all);" for 1..100;' | perl real 0m1.482s…
Commented on Why is your Perl site asking me to log in with another site's credentials?
Yes, you're right about a privacy policy. I don't speak Legal, but I'll look into it....
Commented on Why is your Perl site asking me to log in with another site's credentials?
What dagolden said. I don't want to be responsible for the sensitive data. You can say that people should choose the different passwords for each website, but you can't enforce it, so losing the DB full of passwords is still...
Commented on Ubic - how to implement your first service
If it doesn't start automatically, it's probably an issue with /usr/local/bin. Upgrading to 1.53 should help. (Don't forget to re-run ubic-admin setup!)...
Commented on /usr/local/bin rant
Oops, I copy-pasted Neil's code and forgot to replace the link. Thanks! :)...
Commented on /usr/local/bin rant
I don't. I don't use CentOS at all. But some users of my code do, and I don't blame them. Not all modules are packaged as RPMs, and those which are packaged are often out-of-date....
Commented on /usr/local/bin rant
> which is likely in the same place cpan(1) is Ok, I checked, that's not the case on CentOS. perl-CPAN.x86_64 contains /usr/bin/cpan, which then installs stuff to /usr/local/bin/ with default settings. But I admit I don't know anything about CentOS....
Commented on /usr/local/bin rant
> And, the -i switch there is just extra typing. :) Yeah, I know, old habit... > For cron, I don't rely on PATH at all This doesn't help if your script calls other scripts....
Posted /usr/local/bin rant to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
You get the root shell with
sudo -s
You enter:cpan App…
Commented on Play Perl is a Startup
Thanks, everyone! I, too, kind of hope it works out :)...
Commented on Play Perl is a Startup
Oh yes, flattr. I love flattr. Even though nobody ever clicked on my flattr button for Ubic; maybe that's got something to do with my "I don't need donations" note... I added the button to the play-perl's footer. Let's see...
Commented on Play Perl is a Startup
Gabor, I remember you talked to me about "take your project and turn it into startup" last year at YAPC::Russia. I think it was one of the several reasons I decided I should do this. Thank you :)...
Commented on Play Perl is a Startup
I've got enough savings to keep me afloat for a year or so :) Ok, possible monetization routes: - freemium - not the kind of "pay if you want to add more than 5 quests", but more of "donate this...
Posted Play Perl is a Startup to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
I'm leaving my daily job at Yandex in 2 months to see how far I can take the concepts behind http://play-perl.org/.
I spent 7 years at Yandex, it's pretty much the only job I ever had.
I never participated in any startups.
I have no idea wh… -
Commented on Idea: perl community homepage
Awesome! I think something like this should be the front page to the perl.org, actually....
Commented on Don't release experiments to CPAN
Issues with this approach: 1) If you improve the infrastructure (cpanm, metacpan) support of github modules, you get the same problem again; and if you don't improve it, you put experimental module users to disadvantage ("author has forgot or is...
Posted Play Perl: Sign In with Email to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
Quick recap: ="http:…
Commented on Play Perl is online
You can sign in with email (using Mozilla Persona) now....
Commented on Play Perl is more popular than rt.cpan.org!
You can sign in with email (using Mozilla Persona) now....
Commented on Play Perl is more popular than rt.cpan.org!
garfieldnate is working on GitHub login capabilities. If that quest will somehow stall, I'm also going to implement one-time email authentication tokens. (I really don't want to deal with passwords and keeping them secure until absolutely necessary.)...
Commented on CUDA::Minimal takes two steps backwards, one step forward
I didn't manage to install cuda, btw. NVidia's .pkg installation finishes without problems, but there's still no nvcc binary (at least in my default $PATH), so I can't install ExtUtils::nvcc....
Commented on CUDA::Minimal takes two steps backwards, one step forward
So is it CUDA::Minimal or CUDA::Simple? PS: I'm downloading cuda for OS X right now to try your work. Wonder why it's so huge (635MB...)...
Commented on Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
I like your reasoning. +1 to the proposal....
Commented on Play Perl is more popular than rt.cpan.org!
Indeed it is, thank you for pointing me to it....
Posted Play Perl is more popular than rt.cpan.org! to Vyacheslav Matjukhin
$ curl -s 'http://play-perl.org/api/quest' | jq length
197rt.cpan.org tickets created after 2013…
Commented on Play Perl is online
Usernames and passwords suck even more. And I'm not that confident in my frontend skills, so I'd be paranoid about losing the passwords database. If it's any help to you, sign in with Github is coming, hopefully soon....
Commented on About the Grants Committee
> The first claimant would get the bounty. (Maybe this feature could be added to play-perl?) Sounds interesting, and completely in line with my future play-perl plans. But I'm not sure monetary bounties for tasks is a healthy motivator for...

Comment Threads
htbaa.myopenid.com commented on
Why is your Perl site asking me to log in with another site's credentials?
So is Mozilla Persona the new OpenID?
Matt Perry commented on
Why is your Perl site asking me to log in with another site's credentials?
OK, fair enough. But when I click on the "Sign in with Twitter" button, Twitter's web site tells me that when log in that your site will be about to:
* Read Tweets from your timeline.
* See who you follow.If that's the case you need a privacy policy since users signing in with this service will expose you to private data in their Twitter accounts that they might not want to share with you.
simpleseeker commented on
Flux: new streaming data processing framework
This seems to be similar to nodejs's streams. I'm looking forward to playing with this.
Mohawk commented on
Pumpkin Perl Breakdown
From http://irclog.perlgeek.de/perl6/2014-09-05#i_9305941 (freenode/#perl6) a few minutes ago (edited to correct spellings):
20:16 mohawk TimToady: if perl5 were to be re-branded as Camel Perl (subject of course to a conversation with Mr O'Reilly), how would you feel about that? 20:16 * TimToady thinks it wouldn't make any substantive difference 20:17 mohawk are you "no strong feelings one way or the other"? 20:17 * TimToady thinks people …
Gabriel Sharp commented on
Don't release experiments to CPAN
If you want this, first make the guys writing books about perl not tell new developers to submit their code to CPAN; I've read 2 such books. I am sure there are more books out there saying the same thing.
I am also unclear on your reasoning for the problem. Is it: 1) because you don't like how long the module list is with the extra entries? 2) The submissions of Acme:: and related modules are …

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