Performance Report - August 2018

Belated Happy Independence Day to all my fellow Indian friends.

Last month, August 2018, was really busy for me, personally and professionally. My 9 years old daughter had summer break from school. So lots of action all the time together with the nearly 2 years old twins. Best part of August was attending The Perl Conference in Glasgow with the entire family. My first Perl Conference ever and it didn't disappoint me. We, as a family, got to explore the city of Glasgow and Edinburgh. Already looking forward to the next one at Riga. There was another highlight last month was that I completed one year of daily CPAN uploads and went past Barbie's record of 370 days. As of today, 1st September 2018, I have completed 377 days.

Lets get into details as below:

  • Pull Request
  • Git Commits
  • Pull Request Challenge
  • Perl Blog
  • PerlWeekly Newsletter
  • Adopt CPAN Module

Pull Request

Last month, I submitted 51 PR as compared to 41 PR in the month of July 2018.

Overall so far, I have submitted 992 PR. I am hopeful to reach the milestone of 1000 PR in the next couple of weeks, well before my target of the next London Perl Workshop in Nov 2018.

Git Commits

Last month, there were 414 commits as compared to 386 commits in the month of July 2018.

Overall so far, total commits in the year 2018 is 3109. Finally gone past last year record of (3073) commits. I will try to get close to 4000 by the end of year 2018.

Pull Request Challenge

Last month, I received Beam::Wire as my August month assignment. I submitted one Pull Request and it is already accepted and merged, thanks to Doug Bell, as compared to 2 PR to my allocated distribution WebService::Idonethis in the month of July 2018.

Overall so far, I have submitted 64 PR since the beginning of Pull Request Challenge.

Perl Blog

Last month, I blogged the following, the most in any one particular month. I will be doing more in coming months with regard to the London Perl Workshop preparation and activities.

as compared to the following in the month of July 2018.

PerlWeekly Newsletter

Last month, I prepared 2 editions of The PerlWeekly newsletter i.e. Issue 368 and
Issue 370 as compared to the following 3 in the month of July 2018.

Adopt CPAN Module

No new adoption last month. However I pushed my first release to the recently adopted distribution Time::Warp.

Having joined the LPW organisers team, I am going to be busy helping the team. Also I am finalising the topic of my next talk at LPW 2018. Since you all know that London Perl Workshop date has been shifted to 24th Nov 2018. So far the response has been positive. One particular news, Dave Cross was earlier going to miss the event but now he is not only going to attend but also going to give talk and workshop. Looking forward to it eagerly.

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About Mohammad Sajid Anwar

user-pic 2022 White Camel Awardee. CPAN Contributor. Co-editor of Perl Weekly newsletter. Run Perl Weekly Challenge @PerlWChallenge. Indian by birth, British by choice.