Alex Balhatchet
- Website: alex.balhatchet.net/
- About: CTO at Lokku Ltd.
Recent Actions
Commented on A pumpking is born
Congratulations man! A fantastic choice by whoever makes these decisions, Perl continues on in the hands of those who love it :)...
Posted CPAN Authors, check your inbox! to Alex Balhatchet
Hopefully you've all heard about the amazingly successful CPAN Pull Request Challenge that was run throughout 2015 by Neil Bowers. If not you can read about it here or
Commented on Test::More in serious need of review, be afraid!
Latest dev release still working consistently with Test::Kit :-) Although I did have to add a skip for the Test::Aggregate test. https://github.com/kaoru/Test-Kit2/commit/743dc0a2ffcd2f02e973b6cbcd3f6c22eb4aa21f But it works fine with Test::Aggregate::Nested which I've had better success with using anyway, so this isn't a...
Commented on A survey of table rendering packages
I'm a fan of https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::ASCIITable...
Posted See you at YAPC::EU! to Alex Balhatchet
I'm happy to announce that, as usual, Nestoria will be sponsoring this year's YAPC::EU in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Also as usual we will be sending along a contingent from our dev team. Other than myself you'll also see Sam, Ignacio and Tim - all of whom have never attended a YAPC before and some …
Commented on On Giving Back
Hey Salvador, Congratulations on your 100th module! :-D Over at Nestoria we've made really good use of your Sort::Key module. I expect we will feature it on our dev blog (http://devblog.nestoria.com/) as a Module of the Month sometime in the...
Commented on Nestoria's Module of the Month
Wow, thanks for the kudos and kind words Ovid :-)...
Posted Nestoria Developer Blog to Alex Balhatchet
Following in the footsteps of Booking.com, NET-A-PORTER and All Around The World I am happy to announce that Nestoria is launching a developer blog as a sister site to our more general company blog.
You can find it here: ="http://devblog.nes…
Commented on SOC Agile Development
This sounds remarkably familiar ;-) I've just been calling it agile-with-a-lowercase-A". One thing to mention is that I think this approach appeals to Perl developers, teams and team leads especially because it's just so damn pragmatic. You said it right...
Posted An Intro to Perl - Presented to Makers Academy students to Alex Balhatchet
As part of our eager hunt for new developers I met up a few weeks ago with Ruben from Makers Academy, who told me all about their 12 week intensive web development course. They have a pretty impressive set up: they…
Posted My recent presentations to Alex Balhatchet
I've given a couple of presentations recently, and my YAPC::EU talk in particular got some requests for the slides from the audience. I've embedded them below. Enjoy!
Posted Travis CI ♥ Perl to Alex Balhatchet
Travis CI is a hosted continuous integration service for the open source community.
Essentially you set up a git post-commit hook that causes your tests to get run on every commit, against a number of different Perl versions, with databases and other services available if needed. And it's …
Commented on Better late than never - Perl School is awesome!
They are not recorded, but if you attend one then you get a password which gives you access to the slides. And I'll let you in on a little secret - that same password gives you access to the slides...
Commented on Better late than never - Perl School is awesome!
No problem, glad to remind you :-)...
Posted Better late than never - Perl School is awesome! to Alex Balhatchet
Three Saturdays ago I attended the fourth Perl School, which was about DBIx::Class.
Top line summary: it was brilliant!
This was the second course I've attended from Dave Cross, and the fir…
Commented on Ask JAPH - A Tumblr Experiment
There is a way to use CNAMES with tumblr. If this experiment is a success I'll definitely consider grabbing a domain. Got my first question! Unsurprisingly it was about the version number debate... not really the kind of question I...
Posted Ask JAPH - A Tumblr Experiment to Alex Balhatchet
So Tumblr, well known blogging platform, has this feature where you can set up a simple site and then invite people to ask you questions. I thought it would be fun to try out doing this for Perl.
Commented on Initial entry
perl -E 'say "Hello, blindluke";' # :-)...
Commented on Refactoring When Tests Are Failing
"I should write more about --state. It has a lot of neat features" I presented at a London Perl Mongers technical meeting about TAP::Harness and some of the cooler things you can do with prove late-ish last year. Slides are...
Commented on YAPC::Europe 2012 Keynote on Agile Companies
Any news on when and where the video will be up? Really hope I'll be able to see this sometime! Thanks, - Alex...
Commented on Mojolicious: an unexpected result
I expect the real problem at these companies is that they don't know how to manage CPAN modules (or any other dependencies) properly. At $work we use hundreds of CPAN distributions amounting to over 1000 modules, and adding another distribution...
Commented on The comma operator
Rather than using the unintuitive "=()= operator" you can also use the maybe-slightly-more-intuitive-ish-but-probably-slower arrayref-deref option: $a = @{ [ (6, 1, 1, 1, 7) ] }; say $a; # 5 ------- Although when you would use that over the much...
Commented on Job postings on blogs.perl.org
Thanks for the clarification, very relieved to hear my post wasn't against the rules. Although maybe when I posted it it would have been better to get in touch first given that this clarification didn't exist at the time, so...
Commented on Experienced Perl Developer sought by Lokku Ltd (Nestoria)
tlrrd: Well, if you’re going to post a perl jobs postings where it shouldn’t go, then I guess we’re allowed to discuss it? Are job posts not acceptable on blogs.perl.org? I did look out for such a rule before posting...
Posted Experienced Perl Developer sought by Lokku Ltd (Nestoria) to Alex Balhatchet
(cross-posted from jobs@london.pm.org)
Hi guys and girls,
We're looking for a Perl developer with 2+ years of experience programming
professionally to join our engineering team in central London, primarily to… -
Commented on Revitalizing LinkedIn's Advanced Perl Users Group
> You're a CPAN author (and it's listed in LinkedIn) Is the "correct" way to list this to list it as a Job? I've seen others do it this way: http://www.linkedin.com/in/edmundvonderburg So that's what I've done too: http://www.linkedin.com/in/alexbalhatchet Looking forward...
Commented on Is PCLI possible?
First thing that springs to mind is encoding of the various inputs. Encoding of the config file is determined by the editor used to write it. Encoding of @ARGV is (probably??) determined by the terminal and LC_* variables. Encoding of...
Commented on Preventing Collisions with Perl cron jobs
We do this at $work with a command-line tool called lockrun. You can find the source here: http://www.unixwiz.net/tools/lockrun.html It uses file based locking with the flock system call. Very effective....
Commented on Ninja Code
"Write a Perl script to print the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence" is one of our standard interview questions - not had anybody write it like this yet ;-)...
Commented on perlfind - perldoc on steroids
I foresee myself using this at least once a week for the rest of my life. Can't believe I didn't write it myself. Thanks Ovid!...

Comment Threads
tetra604 commented on
A survey of table rendering packages
Tickit has a table rendering widget as well (and it should support fullwidth/halfwidth chars happily enough, let me know if you find input it doesn't render correctly!):
(not much use unless you're already using https://metacpan.org/pod/Tickit of course)
paul.w.bennett commented on
A survey of table rendering packages
There's my own Data::Dumper::Table though it's a pretty thin wrapper around Text::Table.
boczpeter commented on
A survey of table rendering packages
Richard Foley commented on
A pumpking is born
Good job, to Ricardo for a tough job well done, and wishing you all the best for a tough job to come! Know that the rest of us (population-of-world-minus-pumpking) appreciate your combined efforts every day, even if we don't say so every day.
KES commented on
The comma operator
Can you please cover this case:
@list = 2, 3, 4;
print @list; # 2;

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