
Dave Cross

  • Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    Yes, that's obviously me. I've used the same handle pretty much everywhere on the internet for about twenty-five years. I was offering free advice. But I'm sure that plenty of people would have given similar advice if asked. Honestly, I...
  • Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    Is that seriously what you thought I was talking about? Because it really wasn't. I have no interest in publishing your journal. You all need help interacting with people. For a group that calls itself "The Perl Community" you're shocking...
  • Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    I got a little overzealous and excited about the Journal; it made a misstep (one of many). And that's exactly the point of the final paragraph in my previous comment. I understand that this group is enthusiastic and I believe...
  • Commented on The Science Perl Journal, Issue #1 (Vol. 1, No. 1) is finally here!
    It's a shame you decided to promote this by spamming pretty much every Perl-related email address you could find. That really doesn't give a good impression of your work. See Reddit for more discussion of this. Sadly, doing ill-advised things...
  • Commented on Board Reflections: Continued Experiences with The Perl Foundation
    brian personally picked the winners each year until he stepped down in 2018 There was a period during the early 2000s when brian handed control of the White Camel Awards to O'Reilly. That's how brian, himself, got an award in...
  • Commented on MariaDB 10 and Perl DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader
    Please consider turning this work into a pull request against the GitHub repository.
  • Commented on I just discovered
    Also, you can follow all of the posts tagged "Perl" on at: It's also one of the sources I use for Planet Perl:
  • Commented on I just discovered
    I highly recommend using a service like as a way to break out of the echo chamber and get your blog posts read by people who aren't just the Perl community. But you don't have to give up blogging...
  • Commented on No One Is Immune to Abuse
    And that's as good an example as we could hope to see of the kind of attitude we've been trying to remove from the Perl community over the last ten years. I know you won't care in the slightest, but...
  • Commented on Require in Perl, what should I pay attention?
    Loading external code using "require" is a very dated method - it was introduced in Perl 4. These days, the best approach is to turn "" into a proper Perl module and load it with "use". But that's probably a...
  • Commented on Moving from Perl_5.8.8 (2007) TO Perl_5.36.0 (2022)
    Rocky 9.1 comes with Perl 5.32 as the system Perl. So how have you installed Perl 5.36? And where is it installed to? I hope you haven't overwritten the system Perl at /usr/bin/perl - that seems like a very risky...
  • Commented on I am jumping my Web pages from 2007 to 2022(now).
    When you say that "It didn't run", what exactly do you mean? Did you get an error message? Did it fail silently? This web site isn't a help forum. You'll probably get more help if you post your problem on...
  • Commented on Ideas from TPRC2022: Bug/Task/Issue independent interface and a cli tool
    Prior art: Best Practical's SD project. (Web site not updated for 10 years)...
  • Commented on Draft: Dancer2 Deprecation Policy
    I bet more people would follow that link if it was clickable :-)...
  • Commented on Perl weekly challenge 98
    we will need to use a global hash to contain the opened file handles The state keyword means that this doesn't need to be a global hash....
  • Commented on What do I use to release a module to CPAN for the first time?
    I've never used any of the clever distribution building tools like Dist::Zilla or Module::Starter. I like doing things manually. There are really two things to get right - the directory structure and the Makefile. The directory structure is simple. The...
  • Commented on Monthly Report - September
    Not sure why you think Abigail is from India. He (not she!) is Dutch....
  • Commented on Why I don't try the Perl Weekly Challenges
    I hope this might help solve at least some of your problems. Learn Enough Git and Github to take part in the Perl Weekly Challenge...
  • Commented on Thinking and Question of The Proposal for Perl 7 - day1
    > At least, 2018 to 2020, In Japan, > Perl's reputation has improved for the > stability. But we're not talking about reputation. We're talking about the level of usage....
  • Commented on Thinking and Question of The Proposal for Perl 7 - day1
    >> However its users have declined and >> declined. > > This is not. Maybe you only see TIBOE and > stackoverflow information. You maybe get > much negative information of Perl from > other people. It seems likely that...
  • Commented on Handling Perl character codes is very easy even for beginners.
    3. if you get text from outside, decode text from platform charset(Linux is UTF-8, Windows is cp932) This is over-simplified. Firstly, different versions of Windows use different encodings (here in the UK, for example, we get cp1252). And secondly, you...
  • Commented on A Static Archive of
    Excellent work, thanks. Now I need to seriously think about doing the same for this site! Is it worth speaking to Robert and Ask and asking them if they would consider pointing the old domain at your Github site?...
  • Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge 028: File Content and Digital Clock
    Pedantically, the definition for the "-T" operator says: File is an ASCII or UTF-8 text file So printing "The file content is ascii" is potentially inaccurate :-)...
  • Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge && Damian Conway
    I think, I owe him a drink next time I meet, as per the English tradition. However, being a practice Muslim, I can't offer drink, instead I would offer box of chocolates. That's ok. He doesn't drink either :-)...
  • Commented on Perl Blogs
    Here's the latest update from the project to replace this site....
  • Commented on Moose should of stayed in bed
    "Should have" (which abbreviates to "should've", not "should of") :-)...
  • Commented on Modern Perl CGI
    I think that an even easier way to deploy code in a CGI environment is to just change the shebang line to #!/usr/bin/plackup No need to add the Plack::Handler code....
  • Commented on Modern Perl CGI
    The version will only work on "basically any server" until "basically any server" stops coming with Perls older than 5.20 It's worse than that. RHEL/Centos 6 and 7 (which are both currently mainstream in the low-cost web hosting industry)...
  • Commented on Progress of grant
    Yes. The current implementation is using a long-unsupported version of Movable Type, with no upgrade path available to us. The site has a number of problems (some annoying and some critical) that we have been unable to fix. This is...
  • Commented on My First Perl Conference
    I went to see Regexp Mini Tutorial: Assertions, but unfortunately I got lost in the technical stuff pretty early on because I'm not very good. I will have to go through the slides/video when it becomes available and quiz Barbie....
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