- Website: www.allaroundtheworld.fr/
- About: Freelance Perl/Testing/Agile consultant and trainer. See http://www.allaroundtheworld.fr/ for our services. If you have a problem with Perl, we will solve it for you. And don't forget to buy my book! http://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Perl-Curtis-Poe/dp/1118013840/
Recent Actions
Commented on When Saif Met Sarah
Somehow I didn't connect your super-entertaining blog posts with you, personally. It was great meeting you. Loved your software!...
Posted MooseX::Extended versus the debugger to Ovid
I've released MooseX::Extended 0.35 and it resolves a long-standing bug. If you tried to use
subs, -
Commented on Casting Perls before Splines
It is at this point, four aforementioned peas slipped off my spoon on to the floor. I don't know if any of the readers who are male and married, have had this experience before, but it was with enormous relief...
Posted MooseX::Extended Tutorial to Ovid
There's been a lot of work on MooseX::Extended and now it comes with a fairly extensive tutorial.
The basics are pretty easy to learn…
Commented on Introducing MooseX::Extended
Many Perl developers like everything loose and sloppy because it's "easy" and they write poor software as a result. MooseX::Extended does not encourage loose and sloppy by default. You, as a developer, have to make a conscious choice to open...
Posted Introducing MooseX::Extended to Ovid
is coming along well and is ready for testing. See Introducing MooseX::Extended for a decent introduction on how to make writing your Moose code safer and… -
Posted MooseX::Extreme Needs a New Name to Ovid
On github, I've released MooseX::Extreme.
It's based on years of experience being the lead designer of the Corinna project and trying to figure out how we can get a version of Moose which is safe…
Commented on A (not so) simple matter of privacy
I think I may have misdescribed things to you (I was very tired when I was writing that email). The PSC suggested rolling out Corinna in stages. It's the Cor team which finally came up with method $foo () {...}...
Commented on I finally start to translate Japanese Perl Zemi to English.
Yuki, this looks fantastic. I see that it starts with strict and warnings. Then I see it avoids bareword filehandles. I do see some places where the translation appears to have rendered Perl code that cannot run, but you've already...
Commented on A dream resyntaxed
Extending the points that Damian has raised, one thing which has been brought up repeatedly about Corinna is a MOP. Most people don't need it, but when they do, they need it. Have proper class data declarators that are part...
Commented on A dream realized
Hi Yuki, We're trying very hard to avoid overloading the meaning of existing Perl features, so we deliberately didn't go with the word package. The package keyword simply declares something as being in a given namespace. The class keyword in...
Commented on A dream realized
Fritz, I think Dios is fantastic. However, making it and its syntax work for core in a way that P5P would be willing to commit to means stripping it down to an MVP, probably rewriting most of it in XS,...
Posted The Tau Station Kickstarter has gone live! (Oops) to Ovid
Not words you want to hear late at night before you're going to bed: "we accidentally launched our Kickstarter."
That's right, the Tau Station MMORPG Kickstarter is live and we didn't me…
Posted Cor - Background core Perl OO to Ovid
So far, the work on Cor is going well. Here's the timeline.
Posted Cor - A proposal for core Perl OO to Ovid
I've been working with Sawyer X and Stevan Little to try to bring OO into the Perl core. Most of this work is based on Stevan's work, with me trying to add a final "polish" layer to make it clean and still feel like Perl.
It's being called "Cor" to distinguish it from current OO systems.…
Posted Data Science and Perl to Ovid
Our company goes into many other companies and helps them build new Perl systems or fix old ones. Needless to say, we see how many companies work and a typical example is one of our clients I'll call "AlphaCorp." They use lots and lots of Perl. Their…
Posted Larry has approved renaming Perl 6 to raku to Ovid
Via this comment, Larry has said:
I am in favor of this change, because it reflects an ancient wisdom:
"No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment, for the patch …
Posted Signatures vs. Methods to Ovid
I've still been thinking about proper OO in the Perl core and hit an interesting case.
Imagine the following, hypothetical Perl 5 OO syntax. Inheritance is handled via
and i… -
Commented on Is Perl 6 Being Renamed?
Shenanigans: thanks, fixed! :)...
Commented on Is Perl 6 Being Renamed?
Christian: you may be happy to know that I've been working on a solution to this. No idea if it will fly, though....
Commented on Is Perl 6 Being Renamed?
Chris: thanks for pointing that out. I've fixed the sentence: Over time, it became clear that though Perl 6 was in the same family as Perl 5, a straightforward migration path was unlikely....
Posted Is Perl 6 Being Renamed? to Ovid
By now, many of you have seen the Perl 6 Github issue "Perl" in the name "Perl 6" is confusing and irritating. The issue suggested renaming Perl 6. While some may think that the name of the issue is trolling, or offensive, the…
Commented on The Perl Conference in Riga
Thank you Wendy. We're actually friends on Facebook who, unlike many others, are real friends :) Give Liz a hug for me and I'll see you in a few short weeks....
Posted The Perl Conference in Riga to Ovid
Short version: I'll be there.
Long version: people have been asking me why I've not been as visible in the Perl community as I used to be (including at least one person asking if I was still involved in Perl). Well, that's a long story.
Posted Renaming modules from the command line to Ovid
As we continue to build Tau Station, the free-to-play narrative sci-fi MMORPG (what a mouthful!), we find our code base is getting larger and larger. As with any large codebase, we've found ourselves sometimes mired in technical debt and need a way out.
… -
Commented on Atomic Updates with DBIx::Class
Thanks, Mark. I've updated the code to reflect that! Having no untrusted data going to this method isn't a good reason to skip that basic security check. (For those following along at home and don't know what this is about,...
Posted Atomic Updates with DBIx::Class to Ovid
As we're building Tau Station, a narrative sci-fi MMORPG written in Perl, we've encountered any of a number of challenges, not the least of which is that this is a very "write-heavy" application. Further, because it's a universe where people interact,…
Commented on Enforcing Simple Standards with One Module
Thanks Bill! That's fixed :)...
Posted Enforcing Simple Standards with One Module to Ovid
It's fair to say that at our consulting company, we work with many clients who use Perl heavily. The "preamble" of their Perl code is either an ad-hoc mixture of features, or stock boilerplate like this which gets cut-n-pasted all over the place:
Commented on Improving Perl debugger variable output
haj, Sorry, didn't see this comment earlier. Thanks for the patch! I've added it and credited you. Best, Ovid...

Comment Threads
Saif commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
It was great meeting you too. Looking forward to future encounters, and thanks for your advice.
Matthew Persico commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
I am so upset. I also didn't connect you with your software. That will teach me to make sure I introduce myself to people I don't recognize instead of just hanging with the people I do. I look forward to seeing you in Vegas, if you can make it.
Saif commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
LOL none of us look like our avatars in real life. Look forward to f2f interactions in the future!
Brett Estrade commented on
When Saif Met Sarah
Great to meet you at the TPRC, Saif!
6031796 commented on
CPAN Testers needs our help
In the time since this article was posted the EPO has closed its doors so potential sponsors should no longer be directed there.
Also, the sponsors page at http://iheart.cpantesters.org/ is showing an error and has been for many months, likely because it too depends on the now-gone EPO site. I've raised this problem elsewhere previously but perhaps you could also have a word?

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.