

  • Posted Announcing the Perl Toolchain Summit 2025! to BooK

    This announcement comes a bit late in the year, but the preparations for the next Perl Toolchain Summit have been going on for several months now. Today I am proud to announce that the 15th Perl Toolchain Summit will be held in Leipzig, Germany, from Thursday May 1st till Sunday May 4th,…

  • Commented on PPI Signatures Trial Release - Feedback Requested
    My newest module Perl::Version::Bumper makes heavy use of PPI to help "bump" the version in use VERSION in any Perl code. As part of the module, I wrote a script that builds a table of all features. It's not included...
  • Posted Announcing the Perl Toolchain Summit in 2024! to BooK

    After three years of not organising and one successful PTS in Lyon last year, we might have become a bit complacent and forgotten how taxing organizing an event is... After a very slow preparation, we are very pleased to announce the fourteenth edition of the Perl Toolchain Summit!

    In 2024…

  • Posted Welcome to the Perl Toolchain Summit 2023 to BooK

    This post is adapted from my notes and recollection of the welcome speech I gave on the morning of Thursday April 27, 2023, just before the initial stand-up.


  • Commented on Increasing Perl’s Visibility, Redux
    Centralization is good for things like CPAN, MetaCPAN and docs. One already knows they're looking for Perl things. Blogging reaches more eyes that were not necessarily looking for Perl things if decentralized (or if somewhat centralized on a few platforms...
  • Posted The Perl Toolchain Summit 2023 has a COVID Policy to BooK

    The Perl Toolchain Summit is the annual event that brings together the key developers working on the Perl toolchain. The 13th summit (after a three year hiatus in 2020-2022) is in France this year, in late April.

    It is, at its heart, an in-person event: about thirty people will spend four …

  • Posted The Perl Toolchain Summit is back in 2023! to BooK

    After a three years pandemic-induced hiatus, it is my pleasure to announce that the Perl Toolchain Summit is happening again!

    This year, for the thirteenth edition, we will be gathering again in Lyon, from Wednesday April 27 to Sunday April 30 2023, in the hotel Campanile Lyon Centre Part-…

  • Commented on Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board
    Both events you used as examples seem to have a code of conduct: FOSDEM: CCC:
  • Commented on CPAN Game: 100+ days of daily CPAN upload
    Don't forget the other web site for the games: ;-)...
  • Commented on Perl Newbies weekly update 2019/8/31 - uc, lc, ucfirst, lcfirst functions
    Is the source for the site on github or gitlab? If so, people interested in helping could send merge requests....
  • Commented on Perl Weekly Challenge 010: Roman Numerals
    See also:
  • Commented on 25 years of Perl 5 releases
    Some other links for your perusal:
  • Commented on Daily CPAN uploads: Mission continued...
    Shameless plug for my version of the challenge on :-)...
  • Commented on Wallflower improvements and issues
    See also daxim's very detailed response on Reddit:
  • Commented on Wallflower improvements and issues
    X-Robots-Tag: noindex sounds exactly like what I'm looking for. Thanks, Aristotle! Regarding an application that can be served both as static site and full web application, I've never built one. However the version I keep playing in my head is...
  • Commented on A widespread and broken Perl idiom
    To be conviced of how widespread the technique is, just check:*@ARGV...
  • Commented on A widespread and broken Perl idiom
    This is explained in the last section, and the linked patch shows an example. The first code excerpt became: my $content = do { local ( *ARGV, $/ ); @ARGV = ("$file"); <> };...
  • Posted A widespread and broken Perl idiom to BooK

    The following code is using a widespread Perl idiom, taking advantage of features designed for one-liners:

    my $content = do { local ( @ARGV, $/ ) = ("$file"); <> };

    Another trick here is the array assignment, which slurps all elements of …

  • Commented on Wallflower improvements and issues
    Also, I never remember which of 12PM and 12AM is midnight....
  • Commented on Wallflower improvements and issues
    This was scheduled for some time later, to give me a last chance to review and possibly reword. I guess adding a time zone to the scheduled date would make sense. :-)...
  • Posted Wallflower improvements and issues to BooK

    Wallflower is my static website generator. Well, not really: it's actually generating a static version of any

  • Commented on Patreon and Perl
    Gratipay has a one-click migration to Liberapay, for the lazy ones among us....
  • Commented on What Time is Midnight?
    Well, according to The Unix time number increases by exactly 86,400 each day, regardless of how long the day is....
  • Commented on Split a .pm into a .pod and a .pm
    `perldoc -u` does half the job....
  • Posted Try this awesome trick to make your language toolchain better to BooK

    Get the lead developers together in a hotel for four days. Remove all distractions. Feed them. Stand back and watch bugs get fixed, problems get solved, and new ideas implemented.

    Earlier this month 38 Perl toolchain developers assembled in Lyon for the Perl Toolchain Summit, the event pre…

  • Posted Git::Database now supports seven different Git backends to BooK

    A few weeks ago, SROMANOV sent me a patch for Git::Database adding initial support for accessing the Git object database references…

  • Posted About the Perl Toolchain Summit to BooK

    We've had a few questions and discussions about the toolchain summit since our announcement in January. In this blog post we'll address some of those: why the name change, what things are fair game to be worked on, and who decides…

  • Posted The Perl Toolchain Summit 2017 to BooK

    It is my pleasure and honor to announce that the Perl Toolchain Summit will be held in Lyon, France from Thursday 11th May 2017 through Sunday 14th May 2017. This is the event previously known as the Perl QA Hackathon, where we bring together as many…

  • Commented on CPAN Testers RULE!
    Same happened to me recently. Thanks Slaven (for the report AND for looking for a probable cause) and CPAN Testers! I've come to rely * a lot* on the CPAN testers for picking up obscure issues in my code. This...
  • Commented on Looking for Eugene van der Pijll
    Eugene gave me co-maint of DateTime-Calendar-Pataphysical back in April 2014, so he was active somewhat recently. I contacted him via email at the address pijll at cpan dot org and he replied with pijll at gmx dot net....
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  • xiaoyafeng commented on Perl Newbies weekly update 2019/8/31 - uc, lc, ucfirst, lcfirst functions

    add oil!

  • markov commented on Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board

    Certainly BooK. There is nothing wrong with explicitly state that you want everyone to be pleasant. As organizers of a big event, you are also required (by law) to solve problems which emerge: being explicit on such procedure is also a good thing. That's where FOSDEM and CCC end.

    But forbidding people to say unpleasant things beforehand is not allowed in the EU. Kicking people out solely because a few non-elected others do not like your expression is not acceptable. But it has been done a few times now. Giving your own interpretation on very sensitive terms as harassment is rea…

  • Dean commented on Open Letter to the Perl Foundation Board

    TPF's domain of control is limited to its official services & assets. This needs to be clarified.

    TPF should offer a boilerplate set of community guidelines which perl affiliated projects may elect to adopt.

    Beyond that, perhaps a mediation service should be offered to assist in resolving complaints. Projects may then wish to opt-in to the outcome of these resolutions.

    This is not the first time this has happened, it is however the first time the perl community didnt pile on to someone. That's something *everyone* should think about.


  • Mithaldu commented on PPI Signatures Trial Release - Feedback Requested

    Thanks BooK, that actually seems super useful and like a nice time-saver. I see you hard-coded the features. Maybe those could be parsed from I think i would also like, for completeness' sake, to recognize perl pre-release versions for including relevant features. :)

  • Brett Estrade commented on PPI Signatures Trial Release - Feedback Requested

    Great info. I wouldn't comment, but you wrote ...

    > [r/perl] moderators decided to ban me

    I feel your pain, am also perma-banned due to mod overreach. FWIW, new incantation of the CAT doesn't even bother to issue transparency reports, ask me how I know xD going back to the summer'24. I wonder how many others have been cancelled similarly without a peep.

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