Perl is far from dead/dying nowadays, with 5.12 being released recently, and the yearly timed-based release plan and all. In fact, just after I start to be comfortable using some of the 5.10 niceties, here comes a whole new version with even more niceties waiting to be explored!
Features in 5.10 I'm using regularly.
Defined-or (if there's only one feature I can have in 5.10, I pick this one).
State variables (love it!).
Features in 5.10 I'm starting to use.
-E switch (but my reflex still says -e all the time).
Recursive pattern in regex (e.g., via Regexp::Grammars).
say() (maybe if I say it often enough I'll start to say say more).
Features in 5.10 I rarely/ever touch.
Smart match (I know it's a godsend, but strangely I never feel the need for it so far).
given/when (I'm sticking with if/elsif/else, especially since given/when cannot be used as an expression yet).