Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Recent Actions
Posted Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 - Lisbon Portugal to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
I just got back from the Perl Toolchain Summit 2024 in Lisbon Portugal!
Thank you to Grant Street Group for sponsoring my attendance at the event! Grant Street Group is an amazing place to work, and G…
Posted PTS 2023 to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
I am writing this on my flight home from the PTS as I am terrible at writing things as they happen. :-)
The PTS proved to be a very valuable event, as it always has in the past. I am glad it is able to occur again in the wake of covid. One of the first things the group discussed was the l…
Posted Patreon eh? to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
I read today's Perl Weekly and it suggested supporting module authors on patreon. Figured I would give it a try.
I maintain several perl modules, if you depend on any (Such As Test-Simple, Test2, or yath) here is a way to show your support :-)
Posted Test2+Test-Simple released! to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
This morning I uploaded Test2/Test-Simple combined into the Test-Simple distribution. You can find this distribution HERE for download. This is the result of 2 years of development on the testing infrastructure. See
Posted Test2/Test::Builder stable delayed to May 10th to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Last Friday Test-Simple 1.302014_009 was released. That plan was to bump that distributions version number and release it as stable this Friday May 6'th.
Since that release a number of minor bugs have been fixed. Most of these are typo fixes and documentation changes. There were also some …
Commented on Test2/Test::Builder Update from the QAH
One of the initial options discussed as early as last year was this: Test2 and Test::Builder remain separate. Tools pick one a build with it. To use both together you load a shim such as Test2::Legacy, which replaces Test::Builder with...
Posted Test2/Test::Builder Update from the QAH to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Yesterday was the first day of the QA Hackathon in Rugby, UK. The first item on the agenda was a discussion about Test2 going stable. This blog post will cover the important points of that discussion.
For the impatient, here is a summary:
- Test2 is going to be pa…
Posted Last call for review of Test-Builder using Test2 (Formerly Test-Stream). to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
On October 29th, 2015, I released Test-Stream as stable. I did this because perl-qa asking me to change things. Since that release, the feedback picked up substantially. It seems that declaring something done is the best …
Posted The problem with Exporters (Meet Importer) to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
The problem with Exporters
With Exporter, and most exporter tools we have failed to separate concerns. Exporting fundamentally involves 2 parties: exporter and importer. Historically however we have only ever concerned ourselves with the ex…
Posted Test::More: Clearing up some confusion to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
I want to clear up some confusion about the Test::Stream/Test::Builder work.
I will try to be as clear and concise as possible:
- Test::More is not changing in any significant way.
- Nothing is being removed from Test::More.
- Nothing is being …
Posted Test::Stream: Have your cake and eat it too! to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
*** UPDATE ***
After this was written I received feedback from several respected members of the community alerting me to the problems that could be caused by is() *guessing* if it should be comparing numbers or strings. After hearing this feedback I agreed that the behavio…
Posted Test::Stream going stable to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Test-Stream, the intended successor of Test-Simple (Test::Builder, Test::More), is moving out of the experimental phase. The experimental notice has been removed from all but a couple modules in the distribution. Now is a…
Posted Exodist @ perl-qa 2015 to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
I am finally home from the perl-qa hackathon in Berlin. For me personally I consider this hackathon a huge success. I think many things happened at this hackathon that will propel the perl5 ecosystem forward.
Before diving into details, I want to thank my employer, ="http://dreamhos…
Posted Test::More in serious need of review, be afraid! to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Do you want Test-* to be released with only one pair of eyes spending any significant time looking at it? No? Me either!
This blog post is a cry out for review. Test-Builder/More/Simple are being seriously reworked. From my perspective as the author of these changes everyt…
Posted Test-More status update to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
The new Test-More stuff will NOT be part of 5.22 as originally planned. Instead the latest stable with ship with 5.22. The reason for this is a perl-qa consensus about a design decision that should be changed.
Back when performance was a problem I tried out using array based objects inste…
Posted Test-Simple, Test-More, and Test-Builder. What is breaking? Should I be scared? to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Whats breaking? Much less than you might expect, but more than I had hoped.
That about sums it up! (Just kidding.) But …
Posted Test-Simple, updated release plan to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
After talking with the toolchain, and Ricardo Signes, a new Test-Simple release plan has been made. The Test-Simple release will sync up with blead and the 5.22.0 release (well, kind of).
This is the perl release schedule:
- 2015-01-20 5.21.8 Contentious chang…
Posted Test-Simple release plan to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Unless something comes up, I plan to release the new Test-Simple, with refactored and new internals, on Saturday January 10'th.
This trial version has been on cpan …
Posted Test-Simple Release-Candidates to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
This is an update to the ongoing efforts to update Test-Builder. At this point the updates have been merged into blead, that means the new Test-Simple will be part of perl-5.22, barring any significant reasons to remove it. This post is to provide details you should probably know.
The chan…
Posted The new Test::Builder - "Why?" to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Lately there has been a buzz of activity in the Test-More project (Test::More, Test::Simple, Test::Builder). In fact, it is safe to say that very little code has gone untouched in this process. We are currently on the 34th alpha release of the new Test::Builder, and I wanted to take a moment to…
Posted Changes to Test::Builder/More/Simple incoming to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
A couple months back Schwern handed me the keys to Test::Builder and friends. Initially I planned to try and knock out little bugs and simply maintain stability... That plan failed and I ended up spending a lot of time giving it a major overhaul for a feature Schwern and I agreed would be very…
Posted Test::More - New Maintainer, Also stop version checking! to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
This post is to announce two things:
1) I am the new maintainer for Test::More. Schwern and I got together this morning to move it to a github organization, Test-More, at https://github.com/orgs/Test-More/. We are working on getting the repository into a decent state. You will need to upda…
Posted Fennec V2.x - Testing made better to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Fennec is a testing framework on top of Test::Builder, one that reduces boilerplate, and solves many of the limitations of vanilla Test::More. It addresses issues such as forking during tests, breaking tests into smaller parts, test-group isolation (state leaks), and mocking. With Fennec in your…
Commented on What if we could drop archives into @INC?
I took 30 minutes and wrote a module to hack @inc to load compressed tar archives. https://github.com/exodist/archlib I also uploaded it to cpan, 'archlib' though it will take a couple hours to replicate out to mirrors. Example: use archlib 'path/to/archive';...
Commented on Re: What if we could drop archives into @INC?
I took 30 minutes and wrote a module to do this for you. https://github.com/exodist/archlib I also uploaded it to cpan, 'archlib' though it will take a couple hours to replicate out to mirrors. Example: use archlib 'path/to/archive'; use Module::In::Archive; use...
Posted DCI Revisited to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
A couple weeks ago I posted this introduction to DCI. I received a lot of feedback. Primarily I was told that I did not explain DCI concisely enough. In addition I received feedback that…
Posted Introducing DCI to the Perl world. to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
For those who are not aware, there is a newish methodology called DCI (Data, Context, Interactions) which attempts to solve the problems of OOP. DCI was designed and proposed by the same guy that created the MVC concept that has become hugely successful. DCI is an attempt to group methods with…
Commented on Exporter-Declare, exporting for modern Perl.
Package variables as an interface is not ideal because of the global nature of package variables, the lack of encapsulation, and the potential for conflicts. Use of a package meta-object with an accessor named after the feature, or import() arguments...
Posted Exporter-Declare, exporting for modern Perl. to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
Exporting can be achieved through several routes. You can do it manually through typeglob manipulation, or you can use one of several modules that do it for you. One of the most proliferated, and common is the Exporter.pm module. More recently there have been some advances in the form of…
Posted Executing code at the end of runtime. to Chad 'Exodist' Granum
The Problem
There is a lot of call for the ability to execute code at the end of runtime. An example of this is Moose when you call
. Wouldn’t it be nice if this were just automatic? Other places this can be useful ar…

Comment Threads
Dmitry Karasik commented on
Re: What if we could drop archives into @INC?
Thanks for the effort, I remember I tried that thing with @INC some years ago, when it wasn't established yet, and didn't work the way I hoped. It's great to know that it is solid now.

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