Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
- Website: szabgab.com
Recent Actions
Commented on Regexp::Assemble - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
Nice, but IMHO it would be better if you (also) published these on DEV.to so people outside of the Perl community will also see them....
Posted #Perl on Dev.TO to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Dave Cross already suggested to use other forums for Perl-related posts, especially pointing to dev.to where our posts can be more visible to the outside world than here on bpo.
I followed his advice and started to post there too. I even volunteered to become …
Commented on Crosspost: Nginx/Certbot Recipe
I think this might be the best of both worlds. Post on some other place (e.g. dev.to) and then link to from bpo....
Posted Supporting Perl-related creators via Patreon and GitHub to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Yesterday I posted about this in the Perl Weekly newsletter and both Mohammad and myself got 10 new supporters. This is awesome.
There are not many ways to express the fact that you really value the…
Commented on Progress of blogs.perl.org grant
Is there a public repository where we could take a look at the code and maybe help with pull-requests?...
Commented on A widespread and broken Perl idiom
So could you show us the correct idiom, please?...
Posted Help improving the Perl Maven Tutorial! to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
As you might know I wrote the Perl Maven Tutorial along with most of the 800 other posts on the Perl Maven site during the past 6 years or so.
It became the most frequently read Perl Tutorial and the sit…
Posted Patreon and Perl to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Once upon a time there was Gittip that became Gratipay that got shut down. Several Perl developers had account there and many got contributions through that platform.
A few days ago I've started to use Patreon that allows people to support each other …
Commented on Introduce Perl tutorial site which write by google engineer
You link to it. Google notices it. It ranks that site higher. Effectively you are promoting it. It is also not new. It is a very old tutorial, they just decided to spam you with it now....
Commented on Introduce Perl tutorial site which write by google engineer
I also got a spam message from them. I actually get one of those quite often. From 99guru and a few other "brand new Perl tutorial sites". Are we so desperate that any spammer would do? Yuki, I am not...
Posted Bailador documentation to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
The documentation of Bailador was updated. It looks much better now.
Posted Blog engine in Perl 6 to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
I've started to build a blog engine in Perl 6 using the Bailador web framework. Primarily as an example for the Bailador book, but if it works well it might even be used as…
Commented on Google juice
search.cpan.org is closed source. It has not been updated for about 10 years. (AFAIK There were some minor tweaks.) MetaCPAN is Open Source. Most of the traffic to search.cpan.org comes from search Engines. See some CPAN traffic numbers here...
Posted Google juice to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
I find it such a pity that after so many years of work on MetaCPAN by so many contributors it still accounts to 27.3% only of the total CPAN…
Commented on Perl Developer Survey 2017
A long long time ago we ran a poll on Editors/IDE used for Perl development. Emacs was the 2nd most popular with 13%....
Posted Perl Blaster - get selected videos in your inbox to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
A long long time ago I've set up a web site called Perl TV where I used to collect Perl-related videos. It is now on the move and soon it will be integrated in the recently created Code And Talk site.
That's where you …
Commented on Missing and outdated CPAN modules in Ubuntu (Debian)
As Corion pointed out to me in a private mail it is also in Debian but it is not in Ubuntu....
Posted Missing and outdated CPAN modules in Ubuntu (Debian) to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Today I tried to set up the Perl Maven site on a fresh Ubuntu/xenial 16.04 using the system-perl. Most of the CPAN modules the site needs could be installed using apt-get, but there were a few that I could not find or that were outdated.
Posted 3 interviews about Perl projects to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Recently I've started a new interview series published both as videos and as a Podcast.
… -
Commented on Please delete old releases from your CPAN directory
This post might reach a few hundred readers. Far from the number of CPAN authors. It won't even reach the majority of active CPAN authors. Wouldn't it make sense to write a script that will go over the directories on...
Commented on Octothorpes Matter!
Try your searches again....
Commented on Upping minimum version for Devel::Cover
Everybody who uses perl 5.6 and needs the latest version of Devel::Cover, please raise your hand. Seriously, I don't think there is anyone out there with that profile. Unless you actually enjoy it, I don't think you (or anyone else)...
Posted The Perl Weekly needs you help to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
There is a new page on the Perl Weekly website listing all the authors.
The problem is that the list of authors is pr…
Posted Perl Maven guest-posts to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
At the beginning of the year I've sent out a call for authors. It took us a while, but I am happy to report that there are already 3 guest-post from 3 different authors.
- Marpa for …
Posted Earn money with your Perl articles to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
Would you like to earn some money while writing articles about Perl? I am looking for authors for the Perl Maven site. If you are interested, please get in touch with me via email (gabor at szabgab.com).
Posted Programming Exercises for beginners to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
I have started to create a list of programming exercises. Mostly extracted from my Perl beginner course. Some of them already have "Tools" that help solve the exercise. Some of them even have links to a solution in Perl 5.
… -
Commented on A micro contribution to Perl
I signed up to flipboard , but I don't see how can I submit articles. And it seems I can "like" the same most as many times I'd like to. Strange....
Posted A micro contribution to Perl to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
When you see an article on Reddit /r/perl upvote it. If you see an article about Perl that is not on Reddit yet, post it.
Posted Small contribution to Perl 6: Configure Travis-CI for Perl 6 modules to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
If you'd like to make a small contribution to the Perl 6 development error, here is a low hanging fruit:
Add Travis-CI configuration to one of the Perl 6 modules. I wrote a Perl 6 script to ="http://perl6maven.c…
Posted Vagrant Perl Development Environment v1.1.0 released to Gábor Szabó - גאבור סבו
The Vagrant PDE is a VirtualBox image ready for Perl development with many of the CPAN modules you'd want to use.
- Upgraded the Operating System to Ubuntu 2015.04
- Added Rakudo Perl 2015.09
- Added several Perl Modules
- Upgr…

Comment Threads
Aristotle commented on
A widespread and broken Perl idiom
Oh, wow.
I had to go all the way to
$_ = [ __FILE__ ] for local *ARGV;
to make it work in a single statement. Even something like
*{ \local *ARGV } = [ __FILE__ ];
wouldn’t work, despite the fact that circumfix deref is effectively a
do { }
block with a whole separate inner scope (e.g.*{ my $x = 'hi'; local \*ARGV } = [ __FILE__ ]; say $x;
is a strict vars violation).I don’t think
is that super-intelligent, which means what’s going on must be something like … -
Dave Cross commented on
Progress of blogs.perl.org grant
Yes. The current implementation is using a long-unsupported version of Movable Type, with no upgrade path available to us. The site has a number of problems (some annoying and some critical) that we have been unable to fix.
This is the second project to replace that code with a new implementation based on PearlBee. The project is sponsored by The Perl Foundation and is being worked on by Andre at Booking.com.
demerphq commented on
Regexp::Assemble - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
Were you talking to me there?
Sebastian Schleussner commented on
Regexp::Assemble - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
I agree with @demerphq! I complemented the benchmark with a case that applies the regexp
$rx = sprintf qr{^(?:%s)$}, join '|', @roman;
and ran it on seven different setups, i.a. Perl 5.10.1 on i586, Perl 5.26.1 on x64, and Perl 5.32.1 on armv5el.In all the cases, this plain-vanilla precompiled RX was fastest, though by how much, differed: 8–25 times faster than the nail-curlingly slow loop through the array, 18%–60% faster than ::Assemble and ::Trie. Only on the i586 was ::Trie faster (by a hair's breadth 1%!) than ::Assemble.
C.-Y. Fung commented on
Regexp::Assemble - Weekly Travelling in CPAN
Dear demerphq and Sebastian,
Thanks for pointing out the optimization done by the Perl compiler! I will post a corrected performance comparison next week.

About blogs.perl.org
blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.