- About: Japan Perl Association director; LINE, Inc; Tokyo, Japan
Recent Actions
Posted A Lookback of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 to lestrrat
Here's a brief look-back of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 using the official photo set, hosted by 30 Days Album. All the talk slides (at least the ones that the speakers uploaded) are
Commented on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013: Fighting Legacy Code
wish things were that simple. our system has unspeakable mess in the encoding layer. I don't know that will be fixed. I can only use stuff like Unicode::UTF8 after all that mess is cleared up....
Commented on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013: Fighting Legacy Code
In my case it's not in the config. It's in the wrapper. The reason for not using a wrapper is because 1) the system is big enough that more files = more confusion, and 2) these values don't change /that...
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013: Fighting Legacy Code to lestrrat
Due to popular demand, I'm going to post a summary/transcript of my presentation for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013, titled "Fighting Legacy Code". It's also the presentation that I would've given if I didn't cancel my attendance for YAPC::NA Austin 2013.
Because I wrote all this in a rush, the la…
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013 is over to lestrrat
So I just came back from the staff after party. I'm exhausted. So I'll only write the important stuff:
- This year, we had 1,131 attendees (ticket sales, invited guests, speakers, staff) I'm pretty sure this is THE BIGGEST YAPC EVAH
- Talks on 4-tracks
- …
- Posted PerlMotion - Perl For iOS to lestrrat
Posted Visualizing YAPC::Asia with HRForecast to lestrrat
This year we're using HRForecast to keep track of ticket sales and talk submissions for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013, and it's looking good. I highly recommend you using these tools to visualize your data
… -
Posted Call For Papers Open (YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013) to lestrrat
Call For Papers is now open for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013!
As I have previously posted here, YAPC::Asia Tokyo is the world's LARGEST YAPC. Last year we brough…
Commented on Perl5 Census Japan 2013
Honestly, don't know. Personally I hear about just about every possible framework out there, so there seems to be no One True Framework. And I lately do not work on stuff that runs on a framework, so I'm kind of...
Posted Perl5 Census Japan 2013 to lestrrat
During Apr 7 - 19, I conducted a web questionnaire targeting Japanese Perl users, which I titled "Perl5 Census Japan 2013" ;)
I purposely asked people spreading the news to specifically state that this was not just for hardcore Perl users, and that even if you did't use Perl much these day…
Commented on The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github
Added the link to slide deck. Thanks....
Posted The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github to lestrrat
....Or, this entry is better titled as "Use cpanfile, and make sure to add it to your repository"
UPDATE: read miyagawa's comment (note, this linked …
Posted Testing Refactored Webapp Against Current Version With Geest (Ruby Kage port) to lestrrat
I'm currently working on a big, and I mean /BIG/ codebase, like 200K LOC with about 10 years of history behind it.
In this post I'll briefly describe how I'm refactoring code using a little tool called Geest (="https://gith…
Commented on YAPC Presentation Recordings
YAPC::Asia just puts everything on Youtube. No maintenance hassle, period :) http://www.youtube.com/user/yapcasia...
Commented on Recent work on ZMQ::LibZMQ3 and CZMQ
recmischa: Hmm, if it's just a simple a simple wrapper around pkg-config, then it won't solve my problems, albeit it can make toosl/detect_zmq.pl a bit simpler. However, for the amount of code it reduces, I don't think adding a dependency...
Commented on Recent work on ZMQ::LibZMQ3 and CZMQ
chimerix: Tried it, but it's looks to be too silent (i.e., I see no logs or output), I would hate to debug that, so I guess at the moment, I won't convert......
Posted Recent work on ZMQ::LibZMQ3 and CZMQ to lestrrat
During the last leg of my new year's vacation, I started hacking on ZMQ::LibZMQ3 et al again, due to gentle prodding from @melo to include zmq_proxy().
What seemed like a simple API addition in the end turned into myself writing a auto…
Posted A Glimpse of YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 to lestrrat
So, like my entry on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2011 last year, I thought I'd give you guys a very brief tour of what it was like this year. Before I start, you can find the full set of photos here, and videos will be
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 is over to lestrrat
Here's my closing talk slides.
YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 was great. All the guest speakers were great. Tim Bunce, Adam Kennedy, Ingy dot Net, Larry. Thank you, thank you, thank you.The official attend…
Commented on YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Day 2
The first night (Day 0) was a day for RejectConf + a light social. Then at the end of Day 1, there was the real thing, which was the free dinner. Those two are the main social events that our...
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Day 2 to lestrrat
Whoa, it's already 9/29, which is Day 2 for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012.
This year's YAPC is going extremely well. I don't know, as an organizer I'm finding myself not having to hassle much. Something tells me we've passed a glass ceiling of sorts: I think…
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Day -1 to lestrrat
YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 is almost upon us!
Tomorrow, 9/27, is Day 0, where we will hear a few talks and have some snacks and socialize. Doors open at 17:30. Anyone with a ticket can attend this event.
Commented on Perl courseware for the web using client-side perl
I think that would be an awesome idea!...
Commented on Bash function for directory-dependent local::lib
I started using smartcd (http://smartcd.org/) for this kind of thing....
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 Best Walk Awards! to lestrrat
Since YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2010, we have been hosting voting on "Best Talk Award" for talks that go on YAPC::Asia Tokyo. We are also giving away prizes for the winners of these awards -- for 2010, we gave a Macbook Pro with all the bells and whistles, and last year we gave a dandy ergonomic…
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 is now accepting Talk Proposals! to lestrrat
YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 is now accepting talk proposals!
If you would like to participate in the World's Largest YAPC
Posted YAPC::Asia Tokyo Facebook Page to lestrrat
I created a basic YAPC::Asia Tokyo Facebook Page. Let me know if you can think of stuff I should post there.
Meanwhile, I think this shows the importance for us event organizers to take professional photographs. This is the kind of place you w…
Posted Leaflets for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 to lestrrat
So you know what YAPC is? If you're reading this, you probably do.
However, there are myriad of people out there who don't know what it is. Especially people who are new. Since our company also hosts meetups and conferences on other topics, we thought it…
Posted Call for Sponsors for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012 to lestrrat
We're now looking for sponsors for YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2012: http://yapcasia.org/2012/news/yapcasia-2012-sponsor.html
We accept sponsorships in increments of 50,000JPY. For our sponso…
Commented on I was called "fucking asshole"

Comment Threads
rjbs.manxome.org commented on
Perl5 Census Japan 2013
Thanks, this was interesting to look at.
J. Bobby Lopez commented on
Perl5 Census Japan 2013
I liked this, thanks so much for your efforts in putting it together!
394 replies over the course of two weeks is pretty good. It would be great to see how this data changes in a year, and for other tech-oriented countries/cities. Japan is sort of a nice little isolated demographic, so I can definitely see the appeal in starting there. Were there other motivating factors for looking at Japans' perl usage?
J. Bobby Lopez commented on
Perl5 Census Japan 2013
"Japan Perl Association director; Livedoor, Inc; Tokyo, Japan" - I answered my own question. Thanks again :)
Christian Hansen commented on
YAPC::Asia Tokyo 2013: Fighting Legacy Code
If my URL::Encode::XS makes a difference you should try Unicode::UTF8 (also my module), it makes a huge difference in my deployments.
micheleberg commented on
The Main Problem With CPAN Modules On Github
Above, you describe syntax for pointing a cpanfile to git. The end of the line is cut off, unfortunately:
requires "MyExperimental::Module" => "git://github.com/lestrrat/p5-MyExpDo you know if this still works for cpanm and/or Carton, and what the proper syntax is for it? cpanm keeps trying to read the url as a version number, no matter how I enter it.

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