
Mike Friedman

  • About: Mike Friedman is a professional computer programmer living and working in the New York City area.
  • Posted Exploring Perl 6: Up and Running to Mike Friedman
  • Commented on Please don't use ::Tiny unless it meets the ::Tiny criteria, thanks!
    5.4 is an absurd requirement for any module, whether Tiny or not....
  • Commented on perlcc next steps
    Thanks for all your hard work on B::C, Reini....
  • Commented on Method Privacy in Perl
    I've been wondering recently if it would be possible to use the MRO API to be able to invoke lexical subs as methods. Then you wouldn't have to use the $ sigil in your method calls....
  • Posted Automating Stratopan Releases with Dist::Zilla to Mike Friedman

    I recently started using Jeffrey Thalhammer's excellent Stratopan to manage CPAN dependencies for a new Perl project. I had played a little with Stratopan before, but now that I'm starting to get some use out of it, I am even more impressed with Jeffrey's…

  • Commented on Removing Boilerplate with Import::Into
    Even with you would still have to include the declaration in every file. Since Import::Into lets me declare everything just once, it didn't seem worth it to pull in an extra CPAN dependency to do the equivalent of use...
  • Commented on Swiss Perl Workshop has ROOM
    I'll be there and I'd love to learn a bit about hacking Arduinos with Perl....
  • Posted Removing Boilerplate with Import::Into to Mike Friedman

    use feature 'si…
  • Commented on Announcing Test::mongod
    Very cool! I can think of some good uses for this....
  • Posted MongoDB wants Perl programmers to Mike Friedman

    If you love Perl and are interested in MongoDB, we want to hire you. Feel free to drop me a line at if you're interested, or take a look at the official posting

  • Posted Floating Points Podcast: Perl and MongoDB to Mike Friedman

    I had the opportunity to sit down with some of the folks at Huffington Post to talk a little bit about Perl and MongoDB and my work as an engineer slash evangelist for the MongoDB community. It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed the experience immensely. You can listen to the podcast below or check…

  • Commented on Postfix Deref?
    I suppose one thing that's nice about it is that you can avoid curlies for dereferencing deep structures. e.g. the expression @{ $foo->{bar}{baz} } can become $foo->{bar}{baz}->@* assuming I understand it correctly. It does look weird, though. But we are...
  • Commented on JSON and alternatives and an extension proposal
    There's a JavaScript implementation of BSON in the Node.js MongoDB driver. You can find a browser-targeted build of it here....
  • Commented on Poor Mans Jobqueue for Catalyst Apps
    I've implemented this anti-pattern more times than I care to admit. I like Redis for maintaining ephemeral queues these days. Easy and dirt simple. As it happens, I have an old YAPC presentation about this exact topic. (Video, Slides)...
  • Commented on Three weeks of public talks coming up
    Here's the Meetup page for the New York City event on August 14th. Currently it's full but some people will probably cancel their RSVP before then. So add yourself to the waiting list if you want to come....
  • Commented on What's the difference between arrays and lists?
    You can modify the values in the array, but you're still not passing the actual array to the sub; @_ just has pointers to the list of SV *'s in the stack....
  • Commented on function return in scalar context
    The subroutine call puts @_ in scalar context, not the list returned by map. Consider perl -E '@foo = ( "bar" ); say ~~map { lc } @foo' 1 Same thing. You are lowercaseing the list ( 1 )....
  • Commented on The beauty of CSV
    Sometimes data don't need context or structure. No point in adding overhead by using an inappropriate tool for the job at hand. CSV is great. Except when it isn't....
  • Commented on What's the difference between arrays and lists?
    Jeffrey, thanks for the complement! Joel, that's a good example. I'll probably add it to the article tomorrow (it's late.) Thanks!...
  • Posted What's the difference between arrays and lists? to Mike Friedman

    One of the most common sources of confusion for new Perl programmers is the difference between arrays and lists. Although they sometimes look similar, they are very different things, and many bugs and misunderstandings are caused by not having a full understanding of the differences. Even…

  • Commented on A NuoDB Driver for Perl
    NuoDB looks like a really cool project. But if you want Perl programmers to use your driver, it has to be on CPAN. That's the only place 99% of us are ever going to look for Perl code. Plenty of...
  • Commented on Another strike against AUTOLOAD
    You might be able to do this more easily if you switched to Redis::Client (shameless plug.) No AUTOLOAD, and easier to extend....
  • Commented on Alien::Base - progress and problems
    Joel, I just want to say that I really appreciate your work on Alien::Base. I think it’s going to be one of the most important tools on CPAN in the near future and I’m glad someone has the brains to...
  • Commented on CPAN In The Sky With Diamonds
    Very nice!...
  • Commented on Is there a list of CERT advisories keyed to fixed Perl versions?
    Some of those CERT recommendations do list Perl::Critic modules under "Automated Detection." (This one, for example.) It would be pretty awesome to have a single policy bundle for all those recommendations, though. I'm feeling an itch in my coding fingers......
  • Posted Building Your First App with MongoDB and Perl at MongoDB Boston to Mike Friedman

    I'll be speaking on October 24th at MongoDB Boston 2012, taking place at the lovely Marriot Courtyard Tremont/Downtown.

  • Commented on A little “state” idiom
    Cool trick....
  • Posted MongoDB drops support for Perl 5.8. to Mike Friedman

    One of my many rules of software engineering, born of more than a decade seeing things done the Wrong Way, is that serialization must occur only at the extreme edges of your program. At all other points you should, if possible, deal only with structured data. The lack of it in one crucial area of…

  • Commented on Alien::Base Beta Release!
    Awesome! I’m really glad to hear that this is available. The CPAN toolchain has been missing this functionality for too long....
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