Directory listings over HTTP

Recently, a co-worker chided me about there being no apparent quick & easy utilities for Perl that served a directory listing over HTTP; specifically, something that matched the functionality of:

python -m SimpleHTTPServer

I perused CPAN, but found only modules that could be used to create a utility.

A couple of vim-strokes there is App::dirserve. Suggestions for a better name are welcome.

It uses Mojolicious' development daemon for the work, and as such has one pre-requisite. It has a bit more functionality that the python solution, and more importantly, css gradients make it much prettier.

usage: dirserve [OPTIONS]

These options are available:
  --directory    Directory to serve.  Defaults to current directory.
  --index-page   Page to show by default.  Defaults to directory listing.
  --port         Port to serve on.  Defaults to 3000.
  --no-dots      No navigating to parent directories via '..'.
  --help         This message.

Source, installation, & screenshot:

Miniminalism: Philosophy, Tradition or Lunacy?

Thanks to cpantesters I'm doing something that amazes me -- as I write C, it is taken and tested for me on all sorts of different systems. This is a stern test of my ability to write portable C code, and, in general I'm quite pleased with how I've done. So far only one mistake can clearly be laid at my door.

That mistake doesn't put me in a good light -- mistakes seldom do. But we learn more from mistakes than from successes. In this case, the mistake exposes a habit of mine that programmers of the modern school will find a bit lunatic. And perhaps it will give me a good way to point out how that lunacy shaped your training as well, no matter how recent it was.


llvm-ld  -link-as-library -native -O5 re_exec.o re_comp.o re.o  -o ../../lib/auto/re/

=> Still a bytecode file. Why?

This is my idea:

Daily WTF

I often read the “Daily WTF” because there’s something satisfying about seeing other people’s bad code. “See? Our code isn’t as bad as all this!” It’s not as fun when you find “Daily WTF” moments in your codebase.

Today, one of my coworkers asked about a piece of code that wasn’t giving the expected results. It’s a part of some really old code that would be done differently given the time to rewrite it. Any way, there are a series of if/elsif/else clauses that check various things. One of those things is to validate some data against a known constraint. This particular section is supposed to validate that the given data falls within the range of a valid UINT (UINT8, UINT16, etc).

Converting Complex SVN Repositories to Git - Part 4

Cleaning up and simplifying merges

After the previous steps, the git repository has an accurate history of what was done to the SVN repository. It is a direct translation though, and shows more the process and tools that were used, rather than developer intent. I proceeded to simplify how the merges were recorded to eliminate the convoluted mess that existed and make the history usable.

Two main classes of these problems existed. There were branches were merged one commit at a time, as that was one way of preserving the history in SVN. The other case was trunk being merged into a branch, and immediately merging that back into trunk. Some other issues match up with those two merge styles and the same cleanup will apply to them.

Here is a section of the history of the 'DBIx-Class-resultset' branch being merged, one commit at a time. Obviously not ideal, but you can mostly tell what is happening.


Mutation Testing at the Nordic Perl Workshop

"You can get fired for not knowing Perl" I'm still sad that I had to miss the Nordic Perl Workshop in Reykjavík, but I'm going through talks that they've linked on their @nordicperl2010 Twitter feed. I like Tryggvi Björgvinsson's mutation testing talk, especially since he tells how he got a lecturer fired for not knowing Perl. I wish I was there to see if, but I only get to see the slides.

He points out an important but often ignored part of Perl's testing culture: we let the foxes guard the henhouse. That is, the code author and test author are often the same person. Not only that, but CPAN Testers runs the tests that the author provides. Tryggvi asks "Who watches the watchers" (with plenty of appropriate artwork).

How can we suss out problems with tests? One idea is to mutate the source code to see if the tests fail. For instance, we might change a comparison operator. The original code might test for greater than:

FIXED: DBICSL can't 'can'

One of my client's schemas contains a table which contains a column named 'can'. In his context this is a convenient abbreviation for 'Client Access Number'. In Perl however, ->can() is already spoken for. Since DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader creates an accessor method for each column of each table in your database, things went sideways on me today when I tried to auto-generate classes for all tables in that database.

Luckily #dbix-class came to the rescue again, and Caelum was quick to patch the bug. So if you have clients like mine, rest assured the next push to CPAN will cure what ails ya. :)

Predicting Football with Math

One of my little obsessions is attempting to figure out a way to create a money-spinner (also known as a cash cow) by predicting the outcome of football matches (also known as soccer matches to those in North America). I did some research and I found that there is a frequentist (I don’t want to get into the argument of Bayesian vs Frequentist approaches to Statistics) method for doing this. Most of the research is from econometrics and has to do with predicting crowd sizes rather than actual outcomes of matches.

Strings: Characters vs Data

I’ve been thinking, why is it that Character strings, and Binary strings are mostly the same in Perl. If you read in a binary file, why would you want it to behave as if it were a Character file?

The main difference currently, is that Unicode Character strings have the utf8 bit set. There isn’t really any difference between ASCII Character strings, and Data strings. It also presents a challenge if you want to read in Data strings that have Character strings in them, especially if the encoding of the Character strings is anything other than UTF8.

There are some historical reasons for this conflagration, Perl was originally designed to work with ASCII Character strings. Since there was almost no difference between the 8 bit ASCII, and 8 bit data; there wasn’t any real need to separate the two. Unfortunately the world (of programming) is no longer this simple, Perl needed to change to handle Character data that wouldn’t fit in a single 8-bit byte.

Presenting Dancer Advent Calendar

This year, we've decided to start a Dancer Advent Calendar, following the Perl tradition.

We will be posting daily articles on our advent calendar until December 25th (Christmas) and the first one is already up!

We will cover a range of topics from understanding Dancer, writing your own Dancer applications (tutorials included!) and writing a plugin or engine backend to Dancer.

The work on the articles already benefited applications and modules. If you follow the articles, you'll be able to understand how they were all written, in complete detail.

We hope you enjoy the show! :)

The Perl Dancer Advent Calendar 2010

Grantreport - Perl 6 Tablets - 4th week

in short: Tablet 3 is half ready, still added chapter to language design and trends, cleaned and added some corners in the index (now 594 entries) and tables.

You don't write Perl 6 documentation like a story. Not only i can't make it up freely but its also almost impossible to know all details in that time. So you write about the bits you are shure you know. Thatswhy i also layed out the structure for the tablets 4-6, even if there is almost no content. This way I sort the thought in my head and can link to proper spots now. The magnitude of links is a serious part of the work but it will make it much more usefull.

Announce: Data::Session - the complete rewrite of CGI::Session

Hi Folks

I've uploaded Data::Session V 1.00 to CPAN. See:

Please test it, especially the components I haven't:
o Oracle
o Passing the expiry time via Cache::Memcached to memcached

There is a section in the docs about Test Code.

Email me if you wish. My email address is at the bottom of:
Home page

Perl's "readability"

You know, when I look at Russian Cyrillic, or Greek letters, it looks like squiggles. I've never studied it, so I have no means to relate it to sounds, let alone meanings.

So, when people say, "I can't read Perl", it only tells me they haven't studied it.

And if people choose to be vocal about their own ignorance, saying "Perl is unreadable!", that's saying a lot more about them than it does about Perl.

As far as I can tell, millions of people speak Greek and Russian. I'm not one of them, and that's ok. I don't keep saying "Russian is impossible", simply because I personally don't know it.

If it matters, I've seen some pretty impenetrable Python, Ruby, and Java code. And I even pretend to know those languages at least in passing.

Workflow, part 3

I presented OOP approach for solving workflow tasks in my previous post. Now I'd like to show you, how to deal with workflows in a slight different manner. I'm gonna write about Workflow lbrary from CPAN. And I'm going to present you some kind of a tutorial on how to use this lib, and what features does it have.
The main idea of Workflow lib is configuration over coding. Flow is described in XML files, of course 'some' coding is still required.
So let's implement our request management using workflow lib. First of all, we'll create application, with all that simplifications, that we had in previous post, and than enhance it to real world web application and add some complex and interesting features that workflow lib can offer.

The rate of CPAN churn

I have a minicpan on my laptop in my home directory. My home directory gets included in my backups. This means that by looking at my old backups, I can get a good idea of how much the CPAN changes ...

snapshots $ du -sch */.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 1.5G daily.0/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan ... 145M monthly.0/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 127M monthly.1/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 127M monthly.2/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 120M monthly.3/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 111M monthly.4/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan 137M monthly.5/.../laptop-home-dir/minicpan ...

daily.0 is my most recent backup, and monthly.0 through to monthly.5 are backups from 1 month ago up to 6 months ago.  We can see that the rate of change on the CPAN is fairly constant.  It's also surprisingly high, with almost 10% of the "active" part of the CPAN (that is, the bits that you can trivially access by typing "cpan Some::Module" to install, changing every month.

Yes, I realise that this is a gross simplification.

Blocked on debugger syntax highlighting

In my last post I mentioned my attempt to provide syntax highlighting for the Perl debugger. It works and I think it's useful, but I did that by hacking directly on the debugger. Every version of Perl gets a slightly newer version of (the debugger) shipped with it and hacking on a particular version doesn't help¹. Thus, I need to write a separate module which encapsulates my hack and (relatively) cleanly alters how the debugger operates.

I could do something stupid like try to override print or something like that, but it's fragile. Instead, I only want to highlight Perl code and I can do that by only highlighting the code in @DB::dbline. That's because if you know the debugger, you know this little tidbit:

The array @{$main::{'_<'.$filename}} (aliased locally to @dbline via glob assignment) contains the text from $filename, with each element corresponding to a single line of $filename.

At this point, you may be wondering "what the hell is $main::{'_<'.$filename}?" Basically, the *::main{"_<$filename"} typeglob contains a lot of special information useful for the debugger. The array, scalar and hash slots are where the debugger has a lot of magic. Regrettably, this magic typeglob comes straight from the Perl internals and because of this, I have a problem.

New Ubic slides

Here are the slides from my recent talk at meeting.
They are more detailed and hopefully less cryptic than my inital presentation.

Workflow and Perl, part 2

Let's make some code. (Check my previous post for flow chart).

Let's use quite simple straightforward approach, and then modify it with some design patterns.

General idea: We will have simple request object. (We wouldn't care how it's populated with data, let's assume that we have some collection object, that gathers requests from database and creates objects). Request will have following properties: id, description, state. We must be able to change states and perform some actions during that state changes.

I'm using v5.10 & Mouse.

Creating a task manager, stage the first, or: the itcy and scratchy show

So I decided to write a task manager.

I have recently tried to streamline my daily assignments in a task list, so I'll have track of stuff I do, or need to do. However, the way I work, I often find that a simple list does not suffice.

I would like a second level todo list that will collect several tasks that need to be accomplished before I can mark an item completed. Most of these are common for each job, but some are not. For instance, I want to tick off "merge from master before pushing" for every task, but "write POD" might not apply for pure-GUI (Template::Toolkit, HTML and JavaScript) jobs. Naturally, I want those to be available every time I add a task, and selecting from those should be as simple as possible.

Sadly, I found that, for all the plethora of solutions available, none gives me what I actually need.

Not A Post

This is not a perl blog post... Unfortunately I have not posted for a good while, and theres going to be a further gap before I start again properly.

So, following a week of holiday, a week on an intensive training course, a week running a theatre show and two weeks organising things for pantomime; I am about to start 2 weeks of pantomime stage management.

So basically I am not going to do much more in terms of blogging until late December.

About is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.