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- About: Kephra, Articles, Books, Perl, Programming
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Posted Good File Structure to lichtkind
I know, thinking about where to put what in a code file sounds lame to most artisan hero's that fly by intuition, but I find it actually helpful. Here my article about it on dev.to and you can tell its written with Perl in mind. I…
Posted Brain Memory Management to lichtkind
My next dev article about the important concept of cognitive load of code and how to manage it.
Commented on System Thinking
Thank you brian, but I was not yet brave enough to jump into reddit....
Posted System Thinking to lichtkind
I started to also post on dev.to and will post there mostly about topics larger than Perl : psychology of programming, software engineering and alike.
Posted Hai Julia ! to lichtkind
I released Juliagraph an interactive fractal painter for Julia and Mandelbrot types of fractal.
Posted Single Color Methods of GTC to lichtkind
Whohoo release 1.7 (and 1.6) brought a thorough architectural rewrite, new color spaces (HSV, HWB, YIQ), new formats ([named] array, string and css_string), choosable value ranges, …
Posted GTC API (how to design a rich interface) to lichtkind
After written about the origin and goals of Graphics::Toolkit::Color -- let's take a look at the public methods and make it a little…
Posted Why YACM (yet another color module) ? to lichtkind
At the recent YAPC::EU (still running) I gave a talk about my latest CPAN module: Graphics::Toolkit::Color (in short GTC - v1.53). It went a little out of hand and even worse: some…
Posted Color Evolution to lichtkind
The most requested feature of the Cellgraph is now in operation: Colors.
I added one panel with all the options and functions to control them. It is…
Commented on Automatic Art
Thank you Saif, yes that what I meant by the last paragraph of this post. Changable Colors (using Graphics::Toolkit::Color ofc) and more complex mobility (action rules). And Pro Tip: if you draw greater PNG, more cells will be computed....
Posted Automatic Art to lichtkind
After the Harmonograph (which got in the meantime greatly extended), I got another tool for you to create art with - the Cellgraph:
Posted Kephra: goto (last) edit to lichtkind
Welcome to my musings: how editing should be (aimed to all users of an editor as food for thought). After select all I will today choose as feature of the day: goto edit (Strg+E) by which I mean…
Posted Kephra: Select All to lichtkind
To continue my previous post about Kephra, please let me ramble about just one seemingly little feature. It is interesting in its own right - but also an example for the design principles I employ:
Commented on Return of Kephra
on CPAN , thanks for question, we had a web page but not currently...
Posted Return of Kephra to lichtkind
Juhuu, released Kephra 0.401 in the spirit release early - release often. It is the start of a complete rewrite. So it's back to zero: now it can only edit one file at a time and has only Perl highlighting and UTF-8 or ASCII encoding. But some of you will still want to use it (beside vi, emacs,…
Posted The deep, the shallow and the ugly (classes) to lichtkind
Previously I showed parts of the API of my new module Graphics::Toolkit::Color. This time I want to mention some bits about the code base, which demonstrate what I tried to say
Posted Look mom I invented colors to lichtkind
Just released Graphics::Toolkit::Color for the purpose to create computationally harmonic color pallets (2-3 lines max for most needs). It is in fact a chunk out of
Commented on TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
The raptor is a pun on the badmouthing Perl as old in sense: yes might be older than your language but still kills....
Posted course change for Kephra to lichtkind
Kephra, an editor for programming (mostly Perl) written in WxPerl is my main project since I stumbled into the Perl community. Most people I know already heard of it - but I want to write about a new development that might be helpful for some, which might consider to use it even if it has a very…
Posted An artistic tool for programmers. to lichtkind
I just release App::GUI::Harmonograph for your leisure and pleasure. In case your not not an English noble man form the 18th century who could afford an Harmonograph, even though modern DIY kits are
- Posted Climbing the Charts (request for feature requests) to lichtkind
Commented on Entering the Charts
Thank you for spotting this, its fixed now....
Posted Entering the Charts to lichtkind
As part of HalleLeipzig.pm I had my duties to co-organize the recent German Perl Workshop but also the opportunity to give some talks. (Recordings are online [EDIT] now at the CCC video platform). …
Commented on In defence of OOP
Hai guys I'm very happy you liked it and you remember me. I'm preparing next part and also fixed typos and will elaborate already published article here and there so please recheck when next part goes public (end of next...
Posted In defence of OOP to lichtkind
During the last years it became fashionable to rag on object oriented programming and a decade ago I would join the choir. Hack, when I started with Perl I despised the bloat and inefficiency of many corporate smelling *coughjava* systems and preached the light weight and foreward thinking way…
Posted KBOS attributes to lichtkind
Welcome to the fifth post about the Kephra Base Object System, where I explain the need for three kinds of attributes: data, delegating and wrapping and gas a little about their properties. It is especially advised to have read the
Posted KBOS methods to lichtkind
After scopes, types and signatures we got all the…
Commented on perlmodules.net remake
- Posted KBOS signatures to lichtkind
Posted KBOS types to lichtkind
After introducing KBOS I should write about the most fundamental concept in this Perl syntax extension. In fact it's so basic, you could use it even without objects.

Comment Threads
Dean commented on
TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
It is inspired by but not a derivative work of the perl 5 raptor logo https://github.com/kraih/perl-raptor
1nickt commented on
TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
The "Raptor logo" is not the _real_ Perl logo; everybody knows that is a camel. The raptor is a Mojo creation. This is just weakening the brand.
Also, it's sowing confusion to have PERL in capital letters given how much we have to correct people for using that rendering.
This 25-year Perl programmer won't be buying one -- and I would love to have some good new Perl attire.
Dean commented on
TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
TPF doesnt own a camel logo, it only owns the Onion logo and as of the last few weeks the Camelia logo for Raku.
The Camel image on O'Reilly books is owned by them and they have a tradem…
Aristotle commented on
TPF launches merch store for Perl 5
The raptor is a Mojo creation.
Incorrect. All three logos in fact go back to remarks by Larry, including the velociraptor.
The earliest reference to the velociraptor by Larry that I can find is in Apocalpyse 12, where he only mentions it as a joke. Matt Trout later attributed to him a quote that “perl5 is a velociraptor. What we need now is an acceloraptor” (i.e. Perl 6 (at the time)) – though I am unable to substantiate this…
Brett Estrade commented on
Automatic Art
NKS ftw! Awesome work.

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blogs.perl.org is a common blogging platform for the Perl community. Written in Perl with a graphic design donated by Six Apart, Ltd.