Jason A. Crome
- Website: cromedome.net
- About: Dancer developer, pilot, and hockey player.
Recent Actions
Posted Dancer2 1.1.1 Released to Jason A. Crome
The Dancer Core Team is happy to announce that Dancer2 1.1.1 is on its way to CPAN. This is a maintenance release that deals with the following issues:
[ BUG FIXES ] * GH #1712: Fix use of send_as in templates (Andy Beverley) [ DOCUMENTATION ] * PR #1706: Docum…
Posted It's the Twelve Days of Dancer, 2023 edition! to Jason A. Crome
The 2023 Dancer Advent Calendar, the Twelve Days of Dancer is up and running! We hope you'll enjoy this year's version - there's a lot of fun and practical gifts to be found there.
Hot on the heels of our earlier gift (Dancer2 1.1.0) come two mor…
Posted Dancer2 1.1.0 Released to Jason A. Crome
Hey everyone,
Happy Holidays! Dancer2 1.1.0 has been released and is on its way to CPAN. It has one really awesome new feature: named routes.
With this update, you can name each route in your Dancer2 application, then refer to that route by name with a new keyword,
Posted Dancer Advent Calendar 2023 to Jason A. Crome
Hey Dancers! We’re doing an advent calendar this year, and we’d love for you to contribute. Tell us your Dancer success story! Write about a project you worked on that used Dancer, a plugin you wrote, a plugin you love, anything.
December is coming fast, so get your ideas in now. Plea…
Posted Announcing Dancer2 1.0.0 to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I am beyond excited to present you with Dancer2 1.0.0.
So how did we get here? Why now? I'll cover the specifics in a future blog post, but suffice it to say for now, we're stable, and we've been stable for a long time, but this was never reflected in our…
Commented on Announcing Dancer Core Team Changes
Thank you, that's great. Looking forward to seeing the PR!...
Commented on Announcing Dancer Core Team Changes
I love to hear that! You know, we don't have any uwsgi guides in Dancer2::Deployment. We have a big release coming up, would you be interested in contributing a sample config for that? Thank you!...
Posted Announcing Dancer Core Team Changes to Jason A. Crome
We’re excited to announce that Ruth Holloway (GeekRuthie) has joined the Dancer Core Team.
Ruth is a longtime user of Dancer2, and has been one of our most vocal supporters in the greater Perl community. She’s responsible for a number of excellent additions to the Dancer2 ecosystem, an…
Posted New Dancer, Dancer2 plus Ecosystem Updates to Jason A. Crome
Welcome to 2023 (just a little bit late)! We've put together a number of long overdue updates for Dancer, Dancer2, and other parts of the ecosystem.
Dancer2 version 0.400001:
[ BUG FIXES ] * PR #1247: Fix edge case in plugin compat (Sawyer X) * GH #162…
Posted Dancer2 0.400000 Released to Jason A. Crome
Dancer2 0.400000 has been released, and is on its way to CPAN.
We realize that some of you might be curious as to the large version bump. There are a couple of reasons for this: - Modules we depend on bumped their minimum Perl version to 5.12, requiring us to follow suit. - As of 2022, Da…
Commented on Draft: Dancer2 Deprecation Policy
Probably, yes. Fixed....
Posted Draft: Dancer2 Deprecation Policy to Jason A. Crome
Hello fellow Dancers!
I have posted a draft deprecation policy for the Dancer2 code base for public review.
The Dancer Core Team has done our best to look at this every which way and cover all potential issues and use …
Posted Dancer2 0.301004 Released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.301004. This is a maintenance release with two bug fixes only: one corrects an omission from the tutorial, and the other adds a missing dependency to Dancer2's cpanfile.
You can read the complete [changel…
Posted Dancer2 0.301003 Released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.301003. While there are a number of bug fixes and documentation improvements in this release, there are two new features that I'd like to point out:
Git support from the CLI: Whe…
Posted Dancer2 0.301002 Released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I'd like to announce the availability documentation changes along with several bugfixes. The most notable enhancement is a brand new command line interface, and I highly encourage you to chec…
Posted Dancer2 0.301000 Released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, version 0.301000 is now available. This is not the release we envisioned; it is missing some things we'd like to have finished, but it does have a couple of new things worth pointing out:
- A new keyword,
- A new keyword,
Posted Dancer2 0.300005 Released to Jason A. Crome
Well, it’s been a hot minute since the last release, hasn’t it? Dancer2 0.300005 has landed on CPAN and features a number of bug fixes, enhancements, and doc patches:
0.300005 2021-01-26 15:57:41-05:00 America/New_York [ BUG FIXES ] * GH #1546: Add…
Posted The Twelve Days of Dancer, 2020 Edition to Jason A. Crome
Need some joy this holiday season? Head over to the Dancer Advent Calendar for this year's Twelve Days of Dancer. With a little help from our friends, we've put together a 12-day mini advent calendar featuring some great software built in Dancer, some…
Posted Dancer2 0.300004 Released to Jason A. Crome
The Dancer Core Team would like to announce the availability of Dancer2
Session cookies can be restricted to a first-party or same-site context
There were a number of spots where Dancer2 would…
Posted Dancer2 0.300001 Released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I’d like to announce the availability of Dancer2 0.300001. This maintenance release brings brings a revamped tutorial, fixing of a YAML-related regression, repair of an encoding bug, and a slew of documentation fixes.
The full changelog is as follows:…
Posted Dancer2 0.300000 released to Jason A. Crome
The Dancer Core Team has one more holiday treat in store for you: Dancer2 0.300000 is headed to CPAN, and it's a good one: Dancer now offers typed route parameters!
To be clear, all of the existing route syntax is unaffected. You don't have to use types, and typed parameters might not be g…
Posted Dancer2 0.208002 to Jason A. Crome
Your gift is arriving just a bit early this year: a new Dancer2 just in time for the holidays!
There are a number of documentation fixes and enhancements in this version. The largest change you will see under the hood removes Return::MultiLevel (and therefore Scope::Upper) from the list of…
Posted Dancer2 0.208001 Released to Jason A. Crome
The Dancer Core Team just released a minor update, which is on its way to your favorite CPAN mirror now. The fixes include:
- GH #1515: Add Types::Standard to cpanfile (Russell @veryrusty Jenkins)
- GH #1513: Fix Dancer2::Test typo (Utkarsh Gupta)
Keep on Dancing!…
Posted Dancer2 0.208000 released to Jason A. Crome
On behalf of the Dancer Core Team, I would like to announce the release of prepare_app, and features a small handful of bug and documentation fixes.
We have found a growing number of instances where not having th…
Posted It's the Twelve Days of Dancer! to Jason A. Crome
(apologies for not posting this sooner)
It's the Twelve Days of Dancer! This year, we have opted for a mini-advent calendar rather than a full 24 articles. This year's calendar has a lot to offer, including (*hint*) some crossover articles with another framework. ="http://advent.per…
Posted Charlotte Perl Mongers meet-and-greet to Jason A. Crome
If you're a Perl developer in the Charlotte, NC area, come to the first social event for the Charlotte Perl Mongers! For more details, or to RSVP, check us out on Meetup.
Hope to see you there!
Posted Dancer2 0.207000 released to Jason A. Crome
The latest version of Dancer2 is out the door, and it is chock full of changes! A few new features worth noting include:
- send_as() now allows you to easily send plain text content (in addition to JSON and other formats (Steve Dondley)
- Mutable serialization with custom mappin…
Posted New Dancer::Plugin::reCAPTCHA released to Jason A. Crome
After a long, long time, Dancer::Plugin::reCAPTCHA has been updated. Most important in this release is that it now supports reCAPTCHA v2. Earlier versions only supported the v1 API, which is no longer usable. This required some minor changes to the module's API. Please see the POD for…
Posted Dancer2::Session::CHI released to Jason A. Crome
I added a new session storage backend for Dancer2 today. Dancer2::Session::CHI is on its way to your local CPAN mirror. If you are currently using CHI in your Dancer2 applications, this will let you use CHI as your backing datastore for storage data. Please see the pod for details.
Commented on 2018 Dancer Advent Calendar
Thank you! Please ping me on IRC (cromedome). I am putting together an email list for those working on the articles. Essentially, write an article, send it to us, we will add it to the advent calendar github repo, at...

Comment Threads
Ruth Holloway commented on
Announcing Dancer Core Team Changes
Thanks, Brett! I'm honored and humbled that the team has asked me to work with them. And I'm with Jason--wanna contribute to the docs a tiny bit? :)
Brett Estrade commented on
Announcing Dancer Core Team Changes
Hi, sure I'd be happy to share what I have. It's a slightly modified version of something TEODESIAN gave me a while back. He is the one who originally told me about uwgsi.

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