(Short, grossly incomplete) comparison of Perl logging frameworks

After doing this post on comparison of Perl serialization modules, I intended to continue with other comparisons, and even thought on setting up a wiki or creating/maintaining a section on the Official Perl 5 Wiki, which already has a Recommended Modules section, although there is not much comparison being written for each recommendation. (Btw, I just noticed a change of domain for the Wiki, from perlfoundation.org to socialtext.net).

But of course other tasks soon took precedence, so until the Wiki idea is realized, I thought I'll just continue posting on the blog as usual.

There are **seriously** too many Perl logging frameworks out there. As the Log4perl FAQ mentions, "Writing a logging module is like a rite of passage for every Perl programmer, just like writing your own templating system."

So I'm not going to pretend like I've evaluated even half of logging modules that are on CPAN. Instead I'm just going to include a few worth mentioning.

Another Catalyst website goes live (ActivityMD)

Another client launch: ActivityMD.com.

The front content was WYSIWYG'd by their previous ISP. Prolific position:absolute CSS makes that content painful to edit. But links to the shiny new backend are all Catalyst, Template Toolkit, and lots of jQuery.

It's an alpha release. Feedback welcome. :)

Moose - The Brautigan library



So Moose was a title by Richard Brautigan. This guy was a childhood hero of mine: "Trout Fishing in America"

Moose is referenced as one of the titles Brautigan used in
"Revenge of the lawn: The abortion ; So the wind won't blow it all away", one of the first books he continues to write and store away in a public library, which nobody ever visits to use, only to store away.

Richard Brautigan, (1935-1984) RIP

iCPAN v1.0.2 is Now in Apple's App Store

After about a week of waiting for an official review, iCPAN was reviewed, approved and published to Apple's App store earlier today. There are no code changes in this release, but the modules are up to date as of Nov 8, 2010. This release also includes manuals and cookbook POD like Moose::Manual.

I had hoped to get this release out in September, but real life got in the way. In the meantime, I've streamlined the way the POD is processed and future releases will be easier and hopefully much more regular.

Vim's quickfix mode and Perl

Very happy that f00li5h tweeted to me about the Vi::QuickFix module. In vim, my leader is the comma and when I type ',c', I now execute perl -MVi::QuickFix -c % and that creates an error.err file which vi's quickfix mode can read. :cf will take me to the first error in the fix and :cn will take me to the next error. It will even jump to the correct file, as needed. See vim's :help quickfix for more information.

However, I've done more than that. See a bunch of problems in your files? Try running this:

find lib/ -type f -name '*.pm' -exec perl -c {} 2>&1 \; | grep -v 'syntax OK' \
    | tee errors.err

On our code base, that takes around 25 minutes to run. Then I have this in my .vimrc:

" quickfix for Perl error formats
set errorformat+=%m\ at\ %f\ line\ %l\.
set errorformat+=%m\ at\ %f\ line\ %l

Those two formats match the Perl errors I'm getting (note how one ends with a dot). With those, I can now jump to all errors and warnings that compiling our code generates.

Update: Fixed the find invocation.

The Great Re-write of 2010: CGI::Session/Test::Database/DBIx::NamedDSN

Hi Folks

I have just finished a re-write of CGI::Session, called Data::Session, and started wondering how best to test it.

I've always disliked setting all the env vars to make its tests work for MySQL, PG, etc, so I hit CPAN looking for A Better Way.

I found Test::Database, which seemed to be a good idea. But examining the code was discouraging, so I decided to re-write that too.

I soon realized that one thing (among many - see below) which bugged me about Test::Database was its handing of DSNs.

So I decided to split that out into a separate distro, using an INI-style file, so I could add extra attributes to the DSN, such as active and use_for_testing. I might add use_for_production too.

That's why I've just released to CPAN DBIx::Admin::DSNManager V 1.00.

Now I'll use that in the re-write of Test::Database, which I'm going to call Test::Admin::Database.

Padre 0.74 has been released.

Padre 0.74 has been uploaded to pause and is in the queue for indexing and replication to your favourite CPAN mirror.

So while all that happens, lets take a look at what has been happening since 0.72.

Well, plenty of fixes, and a fair amount of work done with the Plugins and converting them to Dist::Zilla by Ahmad Zawawi. The changes file doesn't really show the work that goes into the Plugins, but keeping one eye on the irc logs shows plenty of commits from Ahmad between releases.

Many of the plugins for Padre reside in the same SVN repository as Padre itself, so if you find an itch that needs scratching, you don't have far to look to start scratching.

Zeno Gantner is finding time to work on bits of Padre even with a rather hectic sounding life at the moment.

What do you care what type it is?

I'm about to start writing about a bunch of stuff that will definitely show my lack of a computer science background. Unlike many of my posts, this is your chance to correct me rather than me explain things to you. This has been on my desktop for awhile, so I'm cutting bait and posting what I have instead of working on it more.

I've been reading Seven Languages in Seven Weeks: A Pragmatic Guide to Learning Programming Languages, which is an enjoyable book except for the parts where he starts to talk about types and, ahem, types of programming languages. It's mostly distracting, not very useful, probably misguided, it not outright wrong.

Interview with Neil Hodgeson - new things for perl editors

He ist lead dev of Scintilla the edit component, Kephra, Padre and Kommodo are using. And I was very happy to read that he will open up the internal API. So Perl editors will be able to do even more.


New Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable

After a bug report from a user, I've uploaded a new Data::Google::Visualization::DataTable.

You can do some fun stuff with this module - it allows easy preparation of data for use with the Google Visualization API - ie: any data source you can access in Perl, you can easily spit out as one of a number of awesome and often interactive graphs and charts.

If you make something pretty with it, let me know!

Posting utf8 data using LWP::UserAgent

Yesterday we had some troubles setting up a client that should post some utf8 JSON to a web API. The problem was, that the data kept showing up as latin-1. After lots of "fun" with hexdump, wireshark, the debugger and Devel::Peek we verified that we were in fact passing a properly utf8 encoded JSON to LWP::UserAgent like so:

    my $response = $ua->post(
        $self->api_base_url . '/' . $args->{action},
        'Content-type'   => 'application/json;charset=utf-8',
        Content          => $args->{data},

Still we didn't receive utf8 on the server.

After adding encode_utf8 in random places, it worked. So I dug into google and found this posting containing this advice:

If you want the string UTF8 encoded, then say so explicitly:

 $req = HTTP::Request->new(POST => $endpoint);
 $req->content_type("text/plain; charset='utf8'");

It seems that HTTP::Request, when stitching together the actual text representation of the request, will downgrade the content to latin1, no matter what you say in Content-Type, unless one explicitly calls encode_utf8 on the content.

Top 10 Mistakes When Building and Maintaining a Database

Top 10 Mistakes When Building and Maintaining a Database is a good overview of what not to do when creating a database.

The only caveats I offer about this article:

  • The article is SQL Server-centric; and
  • Mistake #4, "Use of Adhoc Queries", seems to be true only when you have a large, heterogenous development staff (like 10+ developers). Smaller development groups don't seem to suffer from allowing ad hoc queries by developers. (Perhaps it is mainly a communications problem, rather than just an allowing ad hoc queries problem?)

Why uninitialized variables are bad (Linux kernel and more)

I've always been an avid hater of uninitialized variables. I'll hunt them down, catch them and beat them to a bloody pulp and then shoot the remains.

Too much, you say? No need for the bat AND the gun, you say? Oh, quite the contrary.

Here is an example of a recently discovered Linux kernel issue. An uninitialized memory segment. The fix is really simple: to initialize it with zeros. This was done in a patch that only adds the following command:

+ memset(mem, 0, sizeof(mem));

Oh, but I can hear you snicker behind your monitor "this won't happen in Perl because Perl protects you from such stuff!"

You're right, this won't happen in Perl. But here's a Perl example:

At $work I've written a program that runs checks on servers (rest assured, it's not a Nagios replacement) and creates an array of the results of each server that was tested. The array contains timing and whenever there's a timeout, it contains an "undef" to indicate a penalty.

Lacuna Expanse conspiracy theory

Has Lacuna Expanse been created solely to cripple Perl developers' productivity?

Are tiobe.com the real developers of Lacuna Expanse, in a fiendish plot to further lower perl's ranking?

Who cares?!
The Saben Semesne are attacking!
Where are my spies?!

Dear LazyPerl

I'm looking for a Catalyst or other Perl based application framework that will do standard CRUDS (CReate, Update, Delete, Search) functions. I've seen a few of the online writeups about how different people put these together in as few lines as possible, but I'm more looking for one that I can just install via CPAN, configure a database connection, and start the server.

Any suggestions?

Ubic - multiservices

(This is a long time overdue post in Ubic series. Previous posts can be found here.)

Last time I explained how any kind of service start/stop/status behavior can be encapsulated in an Ubic::Service subclass. But what if you have many similar services, and want to generate the service list dynamically?

For example, sometimes you already have a directory with daemon configs, and want to run them all without creating additional "service description" file per daemon.
Or you may wish to start ten instances of one processing script.
Or maybe you keep the list of your services in SQL database on another host.

In all these cases, multiservices come to the rescue.
Multiservice is a container object which provides part of the service tree.

For example, let's assume you have a dir /usr/share/psgi-apps/ with some psgi apps in it:

Blessed are the CPAN Testers

I was doing a lot of work on Dancer lately. We've been experiencing a few test failures on Windows with the upcoming big release. I'll admit we are usually reluctant to go to Windows-land and fix issues, but Alias sure made it clear how important it really is, so it was something that had to be done at some point.

While investigating this situation, I've noticed Cwd's realpath() function was complaining a path for a test did not exist. The path did not exist for Linux or BSD either but the test wasn't failing there.

After checking out Cwd more closely, I've noticed it had an XS version for Linux, BSD and other operating systems and a few Pure-Perl implementations of realpath() for some (OS2, MSWin32, DOS, VMS, for example). Upon inspecting the XS code and the Pure-Perl code it was apparent that the versions were not exactly the same. On Windows if a path does not exist, it will croak but on Linux it will continue running.

Blessed are the CPAN Testers, for they show us the bugs!

Playing games and fixing bugs

Playing games can be useful too. While playing "Lacuna Expanse" and using a bot to find a good asteroid to mine, I found a bug in YAML and fixed it. Later I found out that this bug was already reported 4 years ago.

new things in Kephra

as the next release 0.4.4 is about basic editing, I filles there several feature holes.

like e.g. inserting rectangular selections properly, making the brace nav more consistant (jumping from inside to inside matching braces or from outside to outside). then i also added left and right to moving text(line/block) to indend/dedend tabwise which makes refactoring easier. Now im working on the proper DND of rectangular selections, which isnt delt properly even in kommodo 5.

here on austrian perl workshop the friendly guys helped me to fixe an issue with Module::Install and thanks to jizef kutej the debian package is also ready (jejky!).

but there is much more to come but i want to sanatize the basics first befor we start next bigger chapters like plugins and extentions ....

Performance hacks

http://corehackers.perl.org/wiki/index.php5?title=Main_Page#Performance_Hacks lists some perl5 Performance hacks.
Most ideas are from me.

There's another Raw Array idea from Leon, for which I wrote Tie::CArray ages ago, but this can be made better of course. Tie::CArray does not need to do its own memory management.
That's what we have magic for. The array of I32/U32/NV/char[12]/.. can reside in the PVX and the getters/setters/... are just magic callbacks as in Tie::Array.

I just talked about some obvious illguts observations at the vienna perl workshop and was asked to eloborate.

Leave off xpv* structs

If you don't need any xpv struct, e.g. for short strings, you can leave it off. This will need a flag bit and can be set if MAGIC and STASH is empty.


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