Peter Lavender
- About: The current release manager for Padre, which means I get to be involved with something really cool and useful, while not being so active with writing Perl code.
Recent Actions
Posted Padre 1.00 has been released to Peter Lavender
That's right, Padre, the Perl IDE has just hit the 1.0 milestone.
Sadly there's not a lot of fanfare over this release. For the most part the changes from 0.98 to 1.0 have been patches applied by Kevin Dawson (bowtie) and improvements to the Debugger - Kevin's project in Padre.
Posted Padre 0.98 has FINALLY been released. to Peter Lavender
Padre, the Perl IDE, is the work of a number of people with the goal of creating an IDE written in Perl itself.
Padre 0.98, according to the Release History page has finally been released 1 year and 1 week after 0.96.
Posted Padre 0.96 has been released... to Peter Lavender
Padre, the Perl IDE has just hit version 0.96, only 1 more release before, numerically speaking, it hits 1.0.
Now this is interesting, as one of the big coders for Padre is Adam Kennedy ( Alias ), and he wanted to use the remaining release version nu…
Posted Padre 0.94 has been released... the annoucement is late! to Peter Lavender
Happy new year, Gong Hei Fat Choi ( seems there's more than one way to type that! ). I only added that in so we can claim we got a new Padre release out just after the new year... not saying which new year though...
It has been a while since Padre, the …
Posted Padre 0.92, the release! to Peter Lavender
As previously alluded to, Padre 0.92 was nearing completion for distribution.
Well, this is the announcement to say that Padre, the Perl IDE has final…
Posted Padre, the upcoming 0.92 release... to Peter Lavender
It's been quite a while since Padre 0.90, the current development version 0.91 has been bubbling along quite nicely, with some amazing changes introduced through the hard work and effort of Ahmad Zawawi in porting Wx::Scintilla giving us an shiney Scintilla widget for the Padre text editor.
… -
Posted Padre 0.90, the Delayed Release Announcement to Peter Lavender
Normally when Padre, the Perl IDE is released, we like to let people know about it through the release announcement. It serves a dual purpose. it both lets us acknowledge the awesome work that goes into Padre while letting everyone out there see what has…
Commented on Padre 0.90 has been released
Yeah, worst part was that they were no where near the play of the ball, one of those accidents that happen when you mix kids and sticks. Turns out all is OK, no breaks or fractures, just a very sore...
Commented on Padre 0.90 has been released
Yeah, worst part was that they were no where near the play of the ball, one of those accidents that happen when you mix kids and sticks. Turns out all is OK, no breaks or fractures, just a very sore...
Commented on Padre 0.90 has been released
Yeah, worst part was that they were no where near the play of the ball, one of those accidents that happen when you mix kids and sticks. Turns out all is OK, no breaks or fractures, just a very sore...
Posted Padre 0.90 has been released to Peter Lavender
I really should be packing to go away for the weekend, but instead I've just uploaded Padre 0.90, itself a day late due to a trip to the hospital last night after my daughter was hit on the cheek with a hockey stick.
Padre 0.90 comes with a few bug fixes from the 0.88 release, one that I f…
- Posted Padre .088 has been released... to Peter Lavender
Posted Padre 0.86 has been released to Peter Lavender
After a long 3 months or so, Padre 0.86 has been rolled up and released into the wild.
0.86 comes with a warning that there are still some lumps to be smoothed out, but with that it also comes with a newer version of Scintilla which means better support of Perl.
Thanks to the effor…
Posted Padre 0.84 has been released... to Peter Lavender
Version 0.84 of Padre, the Perl IDE, has just been uploaded to PAUSE.
This release continues down the path of improvements, bug fixes and translations. The changed release process seems to have improved the translations committed to Padre prior to re…
Posted Padre 0.82 has been released to Peter Lavender
Once again another release of Padre the Perl IDE has been uploaded to pause to hit cpan in due course.
Padre 0.82 comes after a long and interesting look at how we manage our releases.
Padre has nearly always been released directly from trunk,…
Posted Padre 0.80 has been released. to Peter Lavender
Padre has hit version 0.80. I guess it's not a big deal, but you need to lead with something.
Adam Kennedy is by far the most prolific contributor for this release, clearly there are a few things that need scratching.
It seems though that this release was rolled out just in time f…
Posted Padre 0.78 has been released - the late announcement... to Peter Lavender
Well, for those of you who have installed Padre from CPAN recently or who upgrade frequently, will know that Padre is now on CPAN and it's at version 0.78.
I've been rather slow getting back into the swing of things after the Christmas break, so after rolling out the release, I promised to…
Posted Padre 0.76 has been released. to Peter Lavender
Padre 0.76 was uploaded to Pause on Wednesday night my time (.au), I didn't have it in me to write up the release announcement at the time, and somehow last night slipped by completely. So while I wait for my son's end of school year presentations to begin, I'll try to be a little more…
Posted Padre 0.74 has been released. to Peter Lavender
Padre 0.74 has been uploaded to pause and is in the queue for indexing and replication to your favourite CPAN mirror.
So while all that happens, lets take a look at what has been happening since 0.72.
Well, plenty of fixes, and a fair amount of work done with the Plugins and conver…
Commented on Padre 0.72 has been released.
OK, someone else on windows 7 has confirmed a similar thing happening. We'll look into it....
Commented on Padre 0.72 has been released.
Thanks for the report. I can't duplicate this myself, I have pasted the link to the image to #padre to see if anyone else has seen anything like it as well. I notice the Tab is translated, what locale are...
Commented on Padre 0.70 has been released.
Adam Kennedy has done a lot of work on reducing the memory footprint of Padre. Mostly through the work on the Task API and delaying as late as possible the loading up of modules that Padre uses. It seems for...
Commented on Padre 0.70 has been released.
What version of Padre are you running and on what OS? We've just released 0.72, if you can upgrade to that and see if the problem still exists, that would be great....
Posted Padre 0.72 has been released. to Peter Lavender
For those of you who may notice such things, you might see that Padre's version number has jumped two numbers since the last stable release.
This development cycle we introduced a new versioning system whereby the odd number 0.71 was the development version with 0.72 the stable release ver…
Posted Padre 0.70 has been released. to Peter Lavender
My apologies for the late release announcement. Typically once the release has been done I then get on with the real work of stringing together enough words and sentences to convey the great work done by the volunteers within the Padre project.
However this time I've been a bit distracted…

Comment Threads
msx commented on
Padre 0.72 has been released.
Hi, just happen to know about Padre. In the Download section there's a very old version of Padre for Linux to download, where can I download latest version?
Thank you.

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