- Website: www.shadow.cat
- About: Just Another Perl Adminion
Recent Actions
Commented on Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon?
Hi. We are at this moment transferring the site management. The owner no longer has the ability to manage it. Once it is transferred it will be moved to secure htpps and have a new design to make it friendly...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
it's usually the evolved state. Which is why structural criticism of form sees it as the parochial or abusive state. It might be so. However, assuming it to be the implied rather than the assumed (or default) is perhaps a...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
Okay there is no +1 on this platform, but this is my +1...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
Going to have to disagree with you on that Riba - not in regard to your underlying stance, or any technical matter in general, just to the assumption of an absolute, I have known both Sawyer and Todd to be...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
Perhaps, in evolutionary terms, the next generation of something is rarely compatible with the previous, as that isn't how evolution succeeds. It might be how the Royal Families of Europe in the Middle Ages operated though....
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
One note: The committees are not wholly self-appointed. Neither is the board. But it is not very well publicised or has any rigour or review. That should change. Also. This borders on almost assuming nepotism. That's not the case. Most...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
What makes you think you didn't have a voice? That's a genuine question, as I was appointed head of one of the committee's and aside from time constraints I don't think I have purposefully not listened to anyone speaking to...
Commented on Perl7 is a fork of values
All elections depend on people standing up and being elected. Not all the people who stand up to be elected should be. Sorry just thinking of my current government. I agree that there should be a democratic mandate and a...
Commented on Ask not what CPAN can do for you
*cough* could have told people to sponsor/donate to CPAN Testers or join the Enlightened Perl Organisation who support them and MetaCPAN etc... ;)...
Posted "the times they are a-changin'" to shadowcat_mdk
Karen Pauley Steps Down as TPF President
Come gather around people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
(The Times They Are A-Changin' lyrics © Bob Dylan Music Co.)As of the 7th November 2016 Karen Pau…
Posted TPF at OSCON London to shadowcat_mdk
Update: OSCON have supplied us with a discount code for unlimited free Pavillon Plus passes to members of Perl related organisations and the broader community. Just use the code: FREEORG. Use this code when registering for the Pavillion Plus pass and it will zero out the balance.…
Posted The 2016 P5P Hackathon to shadowcat_mdk
It is a pleasure to announce that this year the Perl5 Porters Hackathon (http://p5h.org/), held between the 11th to 14th November in Amsterdam, will be hosted by Booking.com and officially supported by The Perl Foundation.
Posted FOSDEM 2016 to shadowcat_mdk
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose (William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet, Act II Scene ii)
I went to FOSDEM in Brussels this year as a representative of the Perl Foundation. As such I spent the …
Posted OSCON Call for Papers to shadowcat_mdk
The OSCON Call for Papers closes this Tuesday, 24th November, at Midnight (US EST) and at this moment there are no papers submitted on Perl.
OSCON has become increasing less language-specific over the years and …
Posted The Company Culture: Go Leader to shadowcat_mdk
The Westfield Leader has been using Perl for more than a decade (since 1998), providing m…
Posted The Company Culture - the process to shadowcat_mdk
This week I will be starting the company promotion that I mentioned in my last blog post (
Posted Perl and the Company Culture to shadowcat_mdk
A couple of recent events, and a long running conversation, have set me to thinking about all the companies who contribute to the world of Perl. When I say contribute I mean any, or multiple of the following:
- Use Perl;
- Have Perl developers;
- Sponsor Perl events;…
Posted No Go GSoC to shadowcat_mdk
I am sorry to report that the Perl Foundation will not be participating in this year's Google Summer of Code. A number of stumbling blocks were created the most important being the failure in accurately planning workload for which I take full responsibility.[1]
I have spoken with Duke and …
Posted GSoC: I need your ideas to shadowcat_mdk
However to do that we need a stack of ideas o…
Posted GSoC 2015 to shadowcat_mdk
It's that time of year again when I will start the usual cajoling and pushing to find the Perl Communities presence for the Google Summer of Code. Yes, once again this is seemingly being done at the very last minute as busy volunteers are once again made busier and I fail to start the ball…
Posted Fosdem 2015: It's Christmas! to shadowcat_mdk
Get Ready to Party!
If you are reading this and you didn't hear that Larry bit the bullet, rolled the dice, flipped the coin, shattered the space time continuum...breathe... then you really are going to get a shock.
Larry has announced tha…
Posted A Tale of Two YAPC's to shadowcat_mdk
This year the Send-A-Newbie fund will send an attendee to two different YAPCs. We were asked in early 2014 if we could sponsor an attendee to go to YAPC Asia this year instead of YAPC::EU as it made more sense for the attendee. We agreed so we have split the available funds across the two…
Posted Let's top git.io to shadowcat_mdk
So, very recently the excellent Vastyn (Henry Van Styn) pointed out that we should be at the top of git.io:
" I came across our very own Kent Fredric’s GitHub profile today and did a double-take when I read his contrib stats:
https:/… - Posted Google Summer of Code 2014 (Update 2) to shadowcat_mdk
- Posted Google Summer of Code 2014 (Update 2) to shadowcat_mdk
Posted CTRL O Sponsor the DBIx::Class Hackathon to shadowcat_mdk
The organisers of the DBIx::Class hackathon would like to extend our thanks and warmest regards to CTRL O (ctrolo.com) for their generous support of this year's…
Posted 'For the first time in forever'(1) Send-A-Newbie will be supporting YAPC::NA to shadowcat_mdk
by Claire Jackson and Mark Keating
… -
Posted Eligo Sponsors the DBIx::Class Hackathon to shadowcat_mdk
Thanks for the Venue
It is our great pleasure to announce that the DBIx::Class Hackathon, to be held in Swindon on the weekend of the 12th April, will have its venue sponsored by the wonderful people at Eligo.
Commented on The 2013 White Camels
Yay. Congrats to all, richly deserved....
Posted YAPC NA : Call for Speakers to shadowcat_mdk
The announcement for the call for speakers has just been posted to the YAPC::NA official blog and Twitter feed.
This year the theme is “¡Viva Perl!”. Talks that embrace the theme will be favoured by the orgas. when deciding which submissions will be presented. remember that there are …

Comment Threads
Todd Rinaldo commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
By your logic, anything run by a BDFL would be abandoned.
The "B" in "BDFL" stands for benevolent. Neither Sawyer, nor you Todd, exhibit this quality.
Thanks! My comment was not about Perl's governance so much as most other open source projects. Some have a complex governance but the majority are managed by a select few. Isn't this the common case?
Dean commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
This venue seems as good as any to voice your support for the current "governance model", or your ideas for how it could be remodeled to better serve those few people and businesses still loyal to Perl.
So as a person who has toiled for a foundation that doesnt even extend membership too you, why not support opening TPF up to membership? Who in turn electing board members? Why not support a model that engages with the perl community and the few remaining businesses that rely on perl?
In 2020 aren't there better models for enagement than saying "join this email list and read …
Yuki Kimoto commented on
Perl7 is a fork of values
I think the current Perl 7 plan is very heavy for the resources available to the Perl community.
Perl 7 will succeed if many people welcome it and everyone supports it.
However, I think the remaining users of Perl will remain because of the stability of that Perl.
If, in reality, the move to Perl 7 doesn't work, I think it's an opportunity to reconsider adopting "use v7".
I have a very similar thinking of Leon.
Steve Bertrand commented on
Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon?
Please tell me that you're not going to change the releases.json structure...
To further, as the author of berrybrew who relies on several aspects of the site to manage Perls, might I be included in advance of site changes so I might better prepare?
Martin McGrath commented on
Strawberryperl.com - https any time soon?
Mark, many thanks for dealing with this.

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